Category Archives: week 4

Welcome to week 4!

This is our last official week of Teaching with WordPress (though see the end of this post–we don’t think of the course as fully “ending”). It’s been a quick four weeks!

Week 4 activities

If you haven’t done so already, please take a look at the learning activities for weeks 3 and 4, including the activity support notes on the same page, and consider doing one or two of these this week. Or, write a blog post about anything that is on your mind at the moment related to teaching with WordPress.

Two things we would really love to see, if you have the time and inclination:

  1. Please contribute to our Assignment Bank! This is a collection of assignments you might give to students (or have already given) that use WordPress in some way. We’re hoping to build up a bank of numerous kinds of assignments that can serve as inspiration for anyone coming to the TWP site this week or later.
  2. Please consider sharing your “Word in Progress,” something you’re working on for which you’d like feedback. You can of course just do that through the blog hub (which some are already doing), or you can contribute to the WIP section of the site, here.

We also invite you to tweet a question to #TWP15, something you’d like to hear others’ views about. Tweet using #quest and #TWP15.

If you feel so inclined, you could make a video or screen cast talking about how and why you use WordPress for teaching and learning, as two of our participants have done:  Jim Luke: and John Johnston:

TWP15 Wrap-up event

We will also have a final synchronous meeting this week, during which we’ll ask you to share what you’ve been working on, ask for feedback, learn what others are doing, etc. It is scheduled for Friday, June 26, 12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern/19:00 UTC. It will be on Google Hangouts, and broadcast live on YouTube for those who just want to watch but not be in the hangout. It will also be recorded. Please see here for more information and to RSVP.

Not the end…

Though this is our last week of the “course” called Teaching with WordPress, we don’t think of this as the end–part of our idea with this course was to connect people who are using WordPress in teaching and learning so that we can continue to learn from each other. So though this is our last “official” week, we hope you will continue to connect with others from the course, add resources to the resource collection, and add assignments to the assignment bank. We hope the TWP site will continue to be a resource for many who are interested in teaching with WordPress, and we’d love it if you could add things to it now and then!