Five Things I Learned in 1L and One I Did Not

Dear Class of 2021,

You may have heard of the saying “all you really need to know you already learned in kindergarten”, but did you know that it was originally a book published in 1986? It teaches you important things like “wash your hands” and “warm cookies are good for you”. As much as these are important life lessons that are applicable to 1L (warm cookies are indeed amazing – especially if they’re free Bluechip cookies), I wanted to add a few more things I’ve learned to the list. So here are five things I learned in 1L and one thing that I did not:

What is a CAN? Case brief? FILAC? Legal Memos? These are terms you may already know or you could be hearing about them for the first time in September. I was the latter and that’s okay! Your professors and your peers will be happy to explain these terms to you and you will get plenty of experience with them over the next year.

Where can I get coffee? There’s a café in the building, a coffee shop a couple minutes away, and there are Starbucks all over campus.  There is also Caffeine with the Dean every month! That being said, as great as coffee is as a pick me up, nothing can beat a good night’s sleep! So remember to rest up!

What is LSLAP? PBSC? Law Revue? There are many clubs and opportunities that you can join in first year, and there are various introductory events for these in September. I found my home at the Law Students’ Legal Advice Program (LSLAP). I was able to volunteer with incredibly dedicated peers, honed my legal vernacular in Cantonese, and worked with clients on legal matters ranging from wills to criminal law to snow removal bylaws! It has been an amazing experience and I look forward to continuing next year!

How do I manage my classes? 1L is a busy time. There will be opportunities to go to Friday Socials, firm events, join clubs, the annual Law Games, and ALSS events. That all comes on top of your classes. It’s no easy feat – but one thing I learned is that you don’t have to do everything. Time management is incredibly important for your own wellness and for surviving first year.

Who are my classmates? You’re going to meet some incredible people this year. What I learned this year is that not only are you going to school with intellectually curious, well-rounded folks, but you are also going to school with an incredible support group. Whether it be your study group, your fellow music lovers, or your small group classmates, these people will become amazing friends.

And the one thing I didn’t have to learn in first year?

What guides me:  Okay, so maybe this was a little bit of a misnomer. It was more of a re-learning exercise. There will be an incredible amount of information that will be thrown at you during first year. You’ll be doing a lot of learning but it can also be a time of reflection. All of you have come to law school through different paths. Your past can help guide your law school experience!

In the mean time, enjoy your summer and see you in September!