About the blog title
This blog used to be titled “PhilosoPedaBlogy,” but due to difficulty pronouncing the name, and even greater difficulty remembering it, I decided to change it. The reasons for the name, “You’re the Teacher” can be found in a post: “New name, new look.”
About the blog
This blog focuses on several things, based on my interests:
- Reflections on my own teaching of philosophy courses to undergraduates at the University of British Columbia (and also an interdisciplinary course called Arts One), including issues I’m facing, things I’ve tried, etc.
- Summaries and commentaries on SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) articles that are related to issues I’m having or research projects that I am myself working on
- Information and reflections about open education and open educational resources
- Blog posts about texts we’re reading in a course I have taught called Arts One–students blogged about these texts, and so did I
- Miscellaneous other things about philosophy, SoTL, open education, and more
License for content on this blog
Unless noted otherwise, content on this blog is licensed CC BY 4.0
About me
My name is Christina Hendricks, and I am a Professor of Teaching in the Philosophy Department at the University of British Columbia. In Philosophy I teach courses in Introduction to Philosophy, Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, and Feminist Theory. I have also taught in a first-year, team-taught, mutltidisciplinary program at UBC called Arts One. Previous to coming to UBC (in July of 2004), I taught for four years as an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-Rock County in Janesville, Wisconsin–part of the University of Wisconsin Colleges system.
The teaching part of doing philosophy has always been what energizes me the most, and what I enjoy spending the most time doing. As a graduate student at the University of Texas at Austin, I jumped at the chance to teach my own courses as soon as I could, and I also took a job at another university in Austin on the side, in order to get further teaching experience (I was an adjunct instructor at St. Edward’s University in Austin for a few years in the late 1990s). In my position at the University of Wisconsin-Rock County, I enjoyed being in an atmosphere where teaching quality is a priority. I continually worked to reach the level of teaching excellence displayed in my peers there. When I came to the University of British Columbia I was challenged to be teaching larger classes than I was used to in the past, and very bright and dedicated Philosophy majors (UW-Rock County is a 2-year, transfer college of the UW system, and few chose majors before transferring…but I was happy to see that I helped several students choose Philosophy majors in their further university careers).
My position at UBC is focused on and evaluated according to teaching, and the majority of my time is dedicated to that. I continue to be excited about learning how to improve my teaching and learning in Philosophy, as well as that of my students, through better lecturing, discussions, assignments, and considering which new technologies might be most useful in the classroom, particularly for Philosophy courses.
Here is my main professional website.
I like to play with digital storytelling and have done a lot with a course on digital storytelling called DS106. Here is a blog where most of my DS106 creations are posted.
Here is my Flickr profile
Here is my YouTube channel
I am fairly active on Twitter: @clhendricksbc
I am also on Scholar.social on Mastodon
Header image for this blog: a panorama image I took near Redfish Lake, Idaho, U.S.A.