Category Archives: Assignments

Long time no blog

Well, I fell prey to the scourge of bloggers–the neglect that comes with being just too darn busy to post. I was so caught up in teaching this term that, though I kept thinking I really need to just post even some short thoughts as better than nothing, I instead let it go until the end of the term. Now that classes have finished for the Fall term, I have a little time to post some reflections on my courses.
In my Social and Political Philosophy course this past term, I tried two new things: (1) requiring students to keep some kind of journal over the course of the term, and (2) a new kind of group assignment.

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What is class time for? Part II

After a long hiatus for the summer, I am finally getting back to posting on this blog–I was working on research as well as moving to a new apartment, and so my thoughts on teaching were not as prolific as usual during the past six weeks or so.

I am posting one idea I put in place in one of my courses for how to make class time more than lecture with some discussion within the big class group thrown in. I had considered student presentations, but given that my Social and Political Philosophy class has 60 students this term, and given that the term is only 13 weeks long, it’s hard to fit in 60 presentations. Another option that I’ve used in the past is group presentations, where groups of two-three students work together to present something to the rest of the class. In the past I’ve been able to do that because I’ve had break-out discussion sections in addition to the lecture, and the presentations could happen in separate discussion groups. That worked well because then several presentations could happen at the same time. But it requires the discussion-group setup, which my course this term doesn’t have.

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