by Jing Liu ~ December 17th, 2008. Filed under: Summer Institute for Chinese Studies Librariship.I was invited by the AUL, Shaorong, who was in my class for the Sino-American Librarians Workshop in 2005 at Wuhan U. She was working for Fudan Library then. I enjoyed exchanging emails with her when I prepared for this trip to Beijing. I was suprised by my own reply to her invitation and the trust between us. Kind of relieved when she approached me right before I presented at the Capital Normal U. She told me about her library’s plan for a new building (or learning centre) and subject librarians. Shaorong even bought me round-trip tickets to Shijiazhuang.
石家庄留着我童年的记忆。当年在郊区的大院里无忧无虑地成长,根本不知道有个师大这所名校。突然接到Cathy的电邮,说大连的明德新馆开放。但师大的邀请在先,只好忍痛割舍大连啦。石家庄自然不能与上海和北京比,但是让我感动的是同行们对我演讲的浓厚兴趣。大会场之后是小型的座谈,问题互动效果极佳,反馈回来也对我颇有启发。馆长最后不得不打断大家,我才意识到已经连续讲了三个小时,都是我的日常工作。 我真觉得累极了!到此两周的公事结束了,其中有多少文化和国情的区别,又有多少相见恨晚的新朋好友,不虚此行。
December 18th, 2008 at 11:59 am
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and insight about our profession and thank you for sharing the pictures.
My father used to encourage us to read by quoting the classic saying of “Read 10,000 books; Travel 10,000 miles.” So far my father is right – my travel has been limited to the books I have read.
I am gratefuly that through your postings and the photos, you take us on your travelling and lecturing in China. I am very glad for the tremendous changes in our profession in the motherland.
Thank you for your dedicated effort in keeping us informed, Jing! Keep blogging. It is very well received and greatly appreciated!!