Prof. Van de Ven's Talk 方德万教授在UBC

by Jing Liu ~ December 4th, 2009. Filed under: Uncategorized, What others are saying.

I was invited by the History folks, and Anna forwarded me the primary sources that Prof. Van de Ven used for his article on Liao Chengzhi’s case. I was thrilled to see the hand-written letters from He Xiangning, Zhou Enlai and Sun Fo, and those used-to-be top secret telegram decoded archives. The Reading Group filled the bright CCR office. Discussing in person with 方教授, Prof. Brook, Alison and the graduate buddies was fascinating! 不禁向这位剑桥学者请教大陆方面原始资料的挖掘情形。他解释了南方局1942年的案子在当年以及多年后的影响,中共中央档案馆应该有大量的文件,但并无解密迹象,连央视摄制组的人都无权光顾,更何况海外学人。


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