What a life!

by Jing Liu ~ January 26th, 2011. Filed under: Life.

Zhang Ying (颖) has lost her fight with cancer. I am so shocking and sad loosing this young professional friend. She not only helped us and our users with publications from China, was the first one providing us with MARC records, taught us the publishing trends, but also influenced us with her passion for life and work. During my last trip to Beijing, I didn’t visit CNPIEC for I heard she’s going through some treatment in the hospital. I emailed her instead and received a cheerful reply as usual. I was relieved then but so saddened now. Ying lived a cherished life. She even led her last year with courage, peace and inspiration. I was so moved that she brought our Chinese librarians so close to each other even after she left us. I saw most email replies about contribution to her family, the record high in our list’s history. Her big smile will be always with me!

3 Responses to What a life!

  1.   Lingbo

    I have a teacher by that exact name. For a minute, I thought…

    Life is short. This is another reminder that we must learn to appreciate each day and appreciate each friend who happens to cross our path.

  2.   Jing Liu

    So true! According to this morning’s message from the Society of Chinese Studies Librarians List, we are setting up a fund with Ying’s name. Her company will match up this fundraising.

  3.   Jing Liu

    Paste Guoqing’s condolence here:



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