Effort in Generations

Thursday, March 7th, 2013

Meeting with RBSC folks reminded me Director Li (昭淳), who wrote several emails recently about how to collaborate on revealing Puban Collection. When did we start chatting on this topic? I think that was in 2005 when he was here. His new paper has countless hits and comments on the web, including the report by […]

Show and Tell at RBSC

Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

I Enjoyed the morning meeting at RBSC. It took up an entire staff meeting time, even though I planed for it to be 15 minutes. Katherine was right, her staff does have strong interests in rare Chinese books. They have received requests from scholars, and learnt alot about the collection already. A series of meetings […]

The International Symposium Nov. 2012

Friday, December 28th, 2012

I enjoyed learning from this Symposium held at the Sun Yat-sen U. Libraries. Just received the email on finalizing my paper to be included in the proceeding. Although I understand the connection to Guangzhou, I was suprised by how many people approached me on collaboration proposals. I remember the complement of Mr. Yao Boyue from […]

Asian Vault

Wednesday, November 28th, 2012

Met Shaun in the vault on Monday, and he showed me how he was taking off the cover and what has been waiting for me to work on. Alvan took his time introducing me to the Belfor ladies and showing me the details of the rearranged vault. Not sure if I am in the position […]


Saturday, October 13th, 2012

This post-Thanksgiving Vancouver weather marks the end of my two-year effort on the rare books. How sad! 真可谓“屋漏偏逢连夜雨,船迟又遇打头风”。 The incident brought me back to this blog. Wonder if it also marks the end of an era and I should look forward to a new start. 祸福相依的道理我还是懂得的。Gains and losses go side by side.

Director Zhu’s Visit

Monday, April 16th, 2012

My regular Thursday TS work was interrupted, and I had to return to Asian. Peking U. Library Director, Dr. Zhu Qiang, just arrived in town for Ingrid’s Presidential program. Shakeela came to Asian Library first to arrange for another group of VIP visitors. I picked enough rare objects from the vault right before Dr. Zhu […]

All about Rare Books

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

Just found time to record the last sessions of AAS/CEAL conference. April 1st Panel 289: Chinese Ancient Classics Publishing: Trends & Challenges attracted not only librarians but also scholars including our BC profs. The NCL director, Ms. Zeng presented the work they have done on the over 50,000 rare titles in Taiwan. They have also […]

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