Clicker 6 vs Kurzweil 3000

I was curious about what would make a team choose Clicker 6 over another assistive technology. Kurzweil 3000 seems to have a number of similar features to Clicker 6 – both programs have text-to-speech capacity as well as writing tools. So why would you choose Clicker 6?

At its core, Clicker 6 is a word processor designed for children, with predictive text and text-to-speech functions. The use of grids and pictures makes writing much easier for struggling writers, and provides scaffolds and structure to enable students to write. One of the great aspects of Clicker 6 is that it can be adapted to any level. Students can start with simple labelling and matching activities such as the one below:

matching example


More advanced students can simply have a picture prompt, and some additional vocabulary, and can go ahead and write.

writing frame

Click here for a handy reference for the assistive technology most commonly used to support students.

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