
Clicker 6 can be used to help students with their reading, especially fluency and vocabulary building. Students can click on a word to hear it, and they can also record their own version of a sentence or paragraph.

Here is an example of a word matching activity for vocabulary building.

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Teachers can create their own talking books, or have their students create a talking book as a class project. Click here to read a blog post about creating talking books for Clicker 6.

There are accessible books available on the SET-BC website, and the ARC-BC website. In order to access the books on the ARC website, you must first create an account. also has a section on talking books, with many different books teachers can download and use in their classrooms. You can select books depending on the age of your students. Click here to take a look. Here are a couple of examples. You will notice that the reading levels are quite different.

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