Category Archives: News

Trump and science: How US new travel bans affect scientists and their research

Science is one way for human beings to interpret and develop the world, and politics is another way, yet it is time to notice science and politics are no longer running in parallel. In the US, politics is affecting science and harming science progresses.

Since the beginning of this year, Donald Trump issued and revised policies limiting immigration from Muslim-majority countries. Following Nature’s reports, travel bans have negatively impacted scientists and their researches in and outside of the US. Active and future scientists faced extreme travel difficulties, and a few international science conferences and collaborations were canceled or delayed due to the ban.

No Ban, No Wall Protest at PHL Airport” by Joe Piette. Image from Flickr. CC BY-NC 2.0

In January, Trump imposed the first short-term block on seven Muslim-majority countries, in which perspective science researchers accepted into American institutions before January could not obtain a visa. Some of them lost the science education and research opportunities they had earned and been guaranteed. Samira Samimi, a glaciologist from Iran, had a plan of going to Greenland from New York to study snowmelt. After the ban became effective, she could no longer meet with her US team and fly to Greenland. Samimi faced potential consequences of ceasing her research project and delaying her PhD degree.

“None of this is right. There is no way this helps us or our science.” says Mike MacFerrin, a glaciologist colleague of Samimi’s.

A similar tragedy happened to Hani Goodarzi, a cancer biologist at the University of California, San Francisco. He was forced to cancel a talk at the University of Calgary in Canada, because as an Iranian migrant, he was under the fear of not being able to return to the US after leaving the country.

It is not fair for scientists to take the consequence of politics, and it is worse that life-save science researches also suffer from politics.

International projects on combatting disease were heavily interrupted. Farrokh Modabber, an infectious-disease scientist in Iran, could not attend a conference held at the US due to immigration policies. Without updated knowledge from the frontline scientists in regions emerging diseases, the development of vaccinations in the US can be slowed down significantly. As far as Nature has reported, several researches including one on HIV were all greatly hindered by the ban.

“The only way to prevent emerging diseases from coming to the US is to stop them in their tracks in the countries where they arise.” Says Peter Hotez, a disease expert at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.

It is time to be alert that science deserves to develop without being disturbed, and politics can heavily impact science. A feasible approach to save science from bans is to exclude restrictions on highly professional individuals from policies. In fact, scientists including Nobel prize winners have already started fighting back since January, yet a lot more attention and voices are still needed for the sake of science.

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Youtube: March for Science

-Zhou Wang

BPA-free Doesn’t Mean Estrogenic-free

Attribution: Flickr Commons

Before the 1990’s, when researchers began publishing papers on the harmful health effects of Bisphenol A (BPA), hard plastic polycarbonate consumer products were mostly made with the chemical monomer. Scientists uncovered that BPA, in similar structure to the estrogen, estradiol, interacts with estrogen receptors in the body, disrupting the endocrine system. This estrogenic activity can cause infertility, heart disease, cancer, neurobehavioral deficits, and more. After public demand, numerous countries began banning BPA, mainly in food and drink containers and baby products.

Estradiol (Top) and Bisphenol A (Bottom). Attribution: Wikimedia Commons and Wikimedia Commons.

Flash forward to now and our water bottles say “BPA-free”; however, this gives us a false sense of safety for, while our water bottles are free of Bisphenol A, the alternative resins used by plastic manufacturers are similar in structure and, as research shows, in negative health effects. Chemicals such as Bisphenol S (BPS) and Bisphenol F (BPF) are used as BPA alternatives in the production of PC plastic bottles and their chemical structures appear just, if not more, like estradiol than BPA. 

Bisphenol F (Top) and Bisphenol S (Bottom). Attribution: Wikimedia Commons and Wikimedia Commons.

A study published in Environment Canada found BPA-free consumer water bottles that leach BPA-like chemicals, causing the same effects to the endocrine system. The Austin, Texas private lab, CertiChem, measured the estrogenic activity of various plastic consumer bottles including black and blue CamelBak, blue and green Nalgene, Topaz, and Zeonor reusable plastic bottles. By exposing breast cancer cells, that multiply when their estrogen receptors activate in the presence of estrogen-like chemicals, to the plastic water bottles, and stressing the bottles using UV light, they determined whether these bottles were leaching estrogenic activity such as that of BPS and BPF. Their study confirmed that CamelBak and Nalgene bottles excreted Estrogenic chemicals, while Topaz and Zeonor reusable bottles remained intact even during stressed conditions.

So, if this news is as alarmingly shocking to you as it was for me and you are on the lookout for another water bottle, CertiChem‘s paper suggests that purchasing Topaz or Zeonor products is a better choice than Nalgene and CamelBak; of course, if you remain unsure, non-plastic stainless steel bottles may be the best choice for you. I just bought one at Manna.

For more information, watch the following video.

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-Lori Waugh

Who Touched the Thermostat?

“This cannot be correct; God has the thermostat of the earth” said my 80 years old grandmother, in her last attempt to challenge the scientific consensus that the earth’s climate system is warming. As youthful scientists with scientific mindsets, you probably find her argument ridiculous. However, her argument is not entirely false. The earth has a thermostat, the Weathering Thermostat.

A group of scientists in University College London found the first evidence for the planetary thermostat that controls the temperature of the earth. The lead author, Pogge Von Strandmann, describes this process as a mechanism that prevents the temperature of the earth from going crazy.

The process by-which the earth stabilizes its temperature is simple, and have been known for many years; it is called “Weathering”. In this process, rainwater dissolves CO2 from the atmosphere, and combines it with rocks to form bicarbonates. Later, the bicarbonates drift to the ocean, where they react with calcium to be trapped in the form of limestone. Therefore, this process reduces the concentration of CO2, and the climate system cools down. However, if this reaction is slowed down, the CO2 builds up in the atmosphere, traps the heat that is coming from the sun, and the climate system warms up.

Limestone formations in the Torcal de Antequera. Photographer: Juan Fernández Source:

Still how does the weathering process control the temperature of the earth?

The weathering reaction is temperature dependent; the rate of the reaction increases as the temperature increases, using more CO2 from the atmosphere. But, at low temperatures, the reaction slows down to let the CO2 trap the heat coming from the sun.

If you already know this, you are probably yawning while thinking what is new?

This process had been hypothesized without real evidence. But according to the new study that was published in June 2017, in the journal Geochemical Perspectives Letters, authors have used Li isotopes to monitor the weathering process during the end of the glacial period. Their findings show a decline in the weathering of silicate rocks during the period when the climate system warmed and the ice age ended.

The team chose the Li isotopes because it is solely related to the weathering of silicate rocks. This enhances the certainty that the lowered concentration of Li isotopes in ocean limestone indicates the decline of the weathering of silicate rocks.

In conclusion, the earth had survived sever climate changes. However, fuel combustion, deforestation, and excessive use of pesticides introduce new challenges to the earth. In my opinion, as temperature rises, new natural reactions will be kinetically and thermodynamically afforded, and will reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, exactly as weathering does. On the other hand, in her BBC article, Vivien Cumming argues that by the end of this century temperature will rise 4 celsius degrees, a number that she considers to be insane. As a young scientist and an inhabitant of the earth, your opinion on this subject is very valuable…do you have one yet?

By: Maged Hassan

What Exactly are Natural Flavours?

If you look at the product label of blueberry yogurt, you may notice “natural flavours” listed in the ingredients, but what is it? The flavour did not come from crushing up the fruit. It’s not that simple. Chemical compounds that give blueberry its flavour are extracted in a laboratory, enhanced, and added to the yogurt. This might surprise some of you but yes, natural flavours contain chemicals. The truth is, everything around us is made up of chemicals.

Yogurt (Source: By Takeaway (Own work))

The positive connotation associated with “natural” has misled many consumers. The food industry tells us what we want to hear and keeps the rest a secret, and it’s working. A study published by Consumer Reports found that people prefer to buy food labelled as natural.

On Merriam-Webster, “natural” is defined as “existing in nature and not made or caused by people” and “not having any extra substances or chemicals added”. This is not the case in the food industry, which is why many people are misled. Aside from the flavouring, natural flavours contain emulsifiers, solvents, and preservatives that do not need to be disclosed on the product label. The term “natural flavours” listed on the food label could contain up to 100 added ingredients.

According to the FDA’s Code of Federal Regulations, natural flavours are derived from a natural source such as, plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms. But are the flavours still “natural” after being processed in a laboratory? Many techniques to extract flavours from a natural source have been studied. In enzymatic extraction, enzymes like lipases, esterases, nucleases or glycosidases break down the flavouring component from larger molecules. In solvent extraction, acetone, alcohol or propylene glycol are used to extract the flavouring chemical. The flavour is labelled as “natural” even when a synthetic solvent, like propylene glycol (safe in small quantities but toxic in large doses) is used because the flavour came from a natural source.

Chemical Structure of Vanillin (Source)

While I agree that some natural products are better, there are also a majority that are not. Natural vanilla flavour can come from castoreum, a brown slime secreted by a beaver or from vanillin, extracted from vanilla beans. Although they taste the same, most consumers would prefer vanillin over castoreum in their vanilla ice cream. However, castoreum is hidden under the term natural flavours, so you won’t know unless you do some digging.

Health Canada and Canada Food Inspection Agency need to set stricter regulations for the food industry. It is unethical how manufactures are allowed to hide controversy ingredients under the term “natural flavours”. Consumers should be able to read a food label and know exactly what they are eating. Next time you’re buying a naturally flavoured product, you might want to think twice.

The video shown below talks more about natural flavours.

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Carmen Chu