You Are What You Eat: Plastic is a Tasty Meal for Some Bacteria


Electron Microscopy Photograph of Bacteria digesting a matrix of polyethylene molecules. Courtesy Oda.



Plastic is one the major pollutants of our oceans and lands. But for one organism, it is a tasty meal.

In a riveting study published in 2016, researchers led by Dr. Kohei Oda from the Kyoto Institute of Technology discover bacteria in soil, wastewater and plant sludge that degrade polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a major compound used in plastic products like bottles and clothing.

One of the most imperative issues we face for the future is how to create an environmentally sustainable society. A million plastic bottles are bought every minute and this number is constantly on the rise — unless we can find new technologies to recycle them at a faster rate than consumption. Wouldn’t it be great if we could throw our plastic bags into a bacteria den and voila–it would disappear?

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PET is used globally in plastic products and is particularly concerning for environmentalists because of its stable chemical structure. Up until recently, the enzymatic degradation of PET was only known for a couple of fungi species. For this reason, recycling via bioremediation was not possible for plastics. However researchers in Japan screened organisms in various environments exposed to PET, such as soil and wastewater, and found that a specific bacterium was contaminated with PET particles. This organism was later isolated as Ideonella sakaienis which uses PET as its main energy and carbon source.

Researchers used electron microscopy to study I. sakaienis and saw that the bacterium clasp onto PET particles and release enzymes which break down the plastic into useful molecules which eventually serve as food for the bacteria. The byproduct are two environmentally friendly monomers, terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol. These results are promising and researchers hope that this solution can be applied on industrial scales to clean up deeply polluted oceans and land; however, this may not occur on timescales that are reasonable.

Plastic waste in a residential area in Los Angeles. Courtesy McDonald.

The use of bio-organisms to remedy environmental disasters is not only restricted to plastic pollutants. Some species of microbes have been observed to break down harmful compounds in oil spills.

Though this sounds good in theory, it may not work in practice.  Chris Reddy, a marine chemist who worked on Vibrio and Pseudomonads species asserts that “the concept that nature will eat [oil] all up is not accurate, at least not on the time scale we’re worried about.” If microbes could digest PET or petroleum, we would not use them for our roads or plastic bottles. However, in the long run, it is a viable idea.

Microbial geochemist Samantha Joye of the University of Georgia disagrees with Reddy, and she believes that given enough time,”[microbes] are clever, they’re tough, they can basically eat nails…. The microbes have to save us again.”

Microbial remedies to the plastic problem may be a viable solution, however future work needs to focus on how to make this occur on faster timescales –time is of the essence when it comes to saving the planet.


A bacterium that degrades and assimilates poly(ethylene terephthalate)
Shosuke Yoshida et al. Science 351, 1196 (2016);

Can we use science to explain Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Traditional Chinese medicine shop (Courtesy, H.K. Tang)


A few years ago, when I still lived in China, I developed chronic headaches. To remedy my suffering, my mother put a stop to the painkillers and dragged me to a naturopathic Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) clinic instead.

Nestled in a refurbished Chinese courtyard, this clinic boasts authenticity. Instead of Life magazines and complimentary mints in the waiting room, this clinic is adorned with cherry blossoms and traditional antiquities. Scurrying behind pharmacy counters, white-coat clad workers methodically package mysterious medicines: cushioned in tin pans are an array of dried creatures, herbs and roots. Gogiberries and grasshopper, deer-musk and ginseng.

After a doctor made a study of my tongue and told me my problem was due to the imbalance of ‘yin and yang’ in my spleen, I was prodded with a dozen needles and prescribed an esoteric potion of willow-bark to drink up for the next two weeks. I scoffed at the absurdity of this pseudoscience but my mother was swayed by its ancient history.

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To my surprise, I immediately felt better. But I wasn’t quite sure why. Was it a placebo effect? Or did the potion actually work? I shifted my perspective by trying to view the matter through the lens of science.

A new viewpoint hit me: the abstruse nature of TCM may have been under-credited as superstition instead of practical folk wisdom. A causal theory created to explain the successes of treatment is not imperative in Chinese culture, and therefore practitioners are tolerant of uncertainty. There is no need for empirical evidence as to ‘why’ the willow-bark concoction worked; it simply does. However, Western doctors will validate willow-bark’s effectiveness through controlled trials by isolating the active ingredient isolating the active ingredient to understand its effects.

The active ingredient later discovered? Aspirin.

Recorded since 1550 BC, ancient Egyptians used Aloe vera to soothe skin irritation, while the famous Greek Physician, Hipprocrates collected nearly 400 different natural agents and described their uses. Natural products play an ancillary role in modern medicine now, but they still form an entire branch of organic chemistry: natural product synthesis.

Chinese doctors have been trying to catch up to Western science and are keen on collecting solid empirical data to sway the rest of the world.

Possible Mechanism in explaining a theory in TCM. Courtesy Zhao.

Recently published in a well-known scientific journal, Zhao et al. (2008) used organic chemistry and spectroscopy to explain theories behind TCM. They isolated significantly changed metabolites like cholic acid, phenylalanine and kynurenic acid to explain the mechanism. Further studies also show the breadth of TCM in treating diseases like cancer, eczema, Bell’s palsy, and more.

This whole ordeal led me to a new way of thinking: just because there is no scientific explanation for certain phenomena now, does not mean there won’t be one indefinitely. We must not be quick to dismiss claims on grounds of cultural unfamiliarity. The open-ended nature of knowledge in general asserts that there is nothing sacrosanct indefinitely and we should be tolerant of all up-and-coming ideas, beliefs and perspectives.


  1. Xinjie Zhao, Yi Zhang, Xianli Meng, Peiyuan Yin, Chong Deng, Jing Chen, Zhang Wang, Guowang Xu, Effect of a traditional Chinese medicine preparation Xindi soft capsule on rat model of acute blood stasis: A urinary metabonomics study based on liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry, In Journal of Chromatography B, Volume 873, Issue 2, 2008, Pages 151-158, ISSN 1570-0232,
  2.  Li X, Yang G, Li X, Zhang Y, Yang J, et al. (2013) Correction: Traditional Chinese Medicine in Cancer Care: A Review of Controlled Clinical Studies Published in Chinese. PLOS ONE 8(6): 10.1371/annotation/b53a0b8b-3eb6-44a2-9c37-bc9bb66bfe7e.


Scientists have created a device that produces plastic from CO2 and sunlight energy from artificial photosynthesis.

Scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have created a device that imitates natural photosynthesis and uses a greenhouse gas to make ethylene gas (a primary ingredient in polyethylene, the most common plastic in the world). This method requires only sunlight, water and CO2,making for a non-destructive and eco-friendly alternative to current ethylene production methods.

Polyethylene demand and production challenges

Polyethylene is in extremely high demand for its use in everyday objects. Humans produce 10`s of millions of tonnes of polyethylene each year, and demand is increasing in correlation with the exponentially growing population. According to a study done from the Freedonia Group, demand for polyethylene will surpass 220 million tonnes by 2020.

Current methods of ethylene production require the burning of fossil fuels, which pollute the atmosphere with greenhouse gases. Producing one pound of ethylene returns two pounds of carbon dioxide [3]. Additionally, fossil fuels are a limited resource, straining its availability. These challenges have driven Professor Jason Yeo Boon Siang and his team in finding a renewable and environmentally-friendly way of producing ethylene

Artificial photosynthesis and ethylene production

Two photosynthetic by-products are crucial to our existence: Sugars and oxygen. These products make photosynthesis important to humans. Photosynthesis is defined as  the chemical process in which plants use the energy of the sun to make carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water. This is nature`s convenient method of handling carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

In 2015, the scientific team created a copper catalyst that could produce ethylene in the presence of water and carbon dioxide when stimulated with electricity. They then combined this copper catalyst with an artificial photosynthesis system to create a device that could create ethylene by using solar energy in place of electricity. This prototype, if up-scaled on an industrial level, could revolutionize the current eco-harming methods of polyethylene production, and could potentially decrease CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere for future years to come. Not only does this new device produce ethylene with a clean and renewable energy source, it also cleans the air we breath!

Doctor Yeo said: “Carbon capture is a key step in fighting human-driven climate change. There has been a steady increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, because the rate of carbon dioxide emissions exceeds that of carbon capture. This has been attributed as a major cause of global warming which leads to undesirable environmental changes. Our device not only employs a completely renewable energy source, but also converts carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas into something useful. This could potentially close the carbon cycle.”

The future of sustainable plastic production:



  1. National University of Singapore. “Scientists develop artificial photosynthesis device fo greener ethylene production.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 24 November 2017      <>.
  2. Peng, Y.; Wu, T.; Sun, L.; Nsanzimana, J. M. V.; Fisher, A. C.; Wang, X. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9 (38), 32782–32789.
  3. Posen, I. D., Jaramillo, P., Landis, A. E., & Griffin, W. M. (2017). Greenhouse gas mitigation for U.S. plastics production: energy first, feedstocks later. Environmental Research Letters, 12(3), 034024. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aa60a7

-Sina Alavi

Are we a step closer to synthesizing people ?

Having a trouble making friends? How about building a friend?! New research at the University of Harvard by Pang Yui has brought us one step closer to synthesizing living beings.  Synthesizing animals and people seems like an impossible task but it’s definitely more attainable now thanks to this fascinating research. You might be surprised what this new finding has to offer.

Many different types of cells make up the human body. DNA strands, which are the building block of genetic material in the body form the different types of cells.  In our body,  base nucleotides known as the A, C, G, T, which have the potential to fold into 3D structures make up DNA. Hydrogen bonding between the base pairs of nucleotides determines base pairing.  For example, As and Ts and Cs and Gs bind to each other. In order for the cell to grow, develop, and repair itself, many changes occur in the DNA to allow cells to replicate

Related image

Figure 1. A photo demonstrating the base pairing in DNA structure

For many years, people understood the complex machinery behind DNA replication. Can we synthetically make DNA? Scientists have previously tried to make copies of DNA in test tubes. However, this technique known as PCR is limited to amplifying DNA segments. It might be a Nobel-prize winner technique but definitely, we cannot rely on PCR to build large strands of DNA.  Pang Yui, a researcher at the University of Harvard developed a new method that allows pre-designed sequences of DNA to autonomously grow. The Primer Exchange Reaction (PER) is a method that offers autonomous and programmable features that have very diverse applications in the field of synthetic biology. Some of these applications involve the engineering of molecular devices, that are capable of synthesizing large DNA nanostructures.  These nanostructures are able to sense environmental signal in the cell which allows them to grow autonomously and carry different functions. This method represents advances in the field of molecular robotics since pre-designed DNA molecules can be programmed to self-assemble in 3D structures, that are able to carry certain functions and tasks. 

Autonomously growing synthetic DNA strands

Figure2. The method of Primer Exchange reaction which gives rise to autonomously grown DNA that is able to carry different tasks. Image credit: Wyss Institute at the University of Harvard 

The method of PER needs very basic requirements. Firstly, you need “an engine” in the form of Single-stranded DNA that has the potential to partially pair with itself. Secondly, you need a primer that is complementary to the piece of single-stranded DNA. Through a series of elongation and displacement reactions, the primer is able to copy the sequence of DNA in-situ.Once these reactions are over, the DNA is expelled and is allowed to be recycled in this process to make large strands of DNA.  

This method represents the future of technology. If we can program DNA to do specific tasks and functions, we can definitely synthesize people. All you need is making proteins which are crucial in many cellular processes. If this new research is able to synthesize proteins, we are one step closer to synthesizing animals and people who can keep our company.

By: Tarek El Sayed

Earliest image of men and dogs – a brief history of our friendship

“I think my Instagram should be renamed, like the album of my Husky.” Said my friend Katrine last week. “That’s why I never post on Instagram,” I replied. “I don’t have a friend that close to me.” Humans’ fevers for dogs spread everywhere on the internet, and dogs have entitled “humans’ best friends” for a very long time. In fact, human relationship with dogs is a very long story, and we can trace it way back when the world population was only about 5,000,000.


A paper published in Journal of Anthropological Archaeology last month revealed that sandstone carved images of humans and dogs were discovered in northwestern Saudi Arabia. Scientists suspected the images to be world’s first images of humans and dogs.


earliest image of men and dogs” from paper in Journal of Anthropological Archaeology


In this image, the man, with an arrow in his hand, has dogs following him hunting the big mammals together. Scientists noticed that there are very obviously carved lines between the man’s waist and the dogs’ necks. Similar lines appeared in the other images at the site, and researchers stated that the lines were probably leashes, and dogs were already domesticated, trained to assist human hunting activity at the time. From the weathering condition of rocks and the sequence of drawings, scientists concluded the art is at least 8000 years old.


“It’s the only real demonstration we have of humans using early dogs to hunt.” Said Melinda Zeder, an archaeozoologist at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.


Scientists have hypothesized the collaboration between dogs and hunters a long ago. In fact, in an earlier study that provided a hypothesis of dogs’ domestication for hunting, evidence indicated mammoths were massively killed at a time when humans did not have compatible weapons in Europe, and dogs were likely accompanying hunters. Dogs, evolved and inherited from wolves, could identify preys by scents and growl in groups to hold preys in place. In fact, another research team also found in Japan that humans from 2,400-16,000 years ago buried their dogs with shreds of evidence that they were hunting partners.


Today is always the consequence of yesterday. We now consider dogs are such good friends of humans because the friendship arose since a very long time ago. In the past, humans fed and sheltered dogs while dogs assisted humans for hunting. It is domestication but also collaboration, with the common goal of survival for both men and dogs. It is the result of natural selection. Today, aside from gaining “likes” on social media, dogs are still helping men on a lot of practical aspects such as guidance for the disable, therapeutics, DEA detection. Like the carved images on the stone, our friendship with dogs never faded as time went by.

A guide dog working” by Yahoo! Accessibility lab from Flikr. CC BY-SA 2.0

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Youtube: How dogs became our best friends

-Zhou Wang

How do airbags work? Deadly poison in your car’s air bag!!!

Have you ever wondered how do airbags work? Do you know airbags are not inflated by any compress gas source but rather the product of a chemical reaction?? The reagent of the reaction is a really Toxic salt called sodium azide, NaN3, but is it gonna KILL you???

Under normal condition, this salt is really stable. However, if it’s heated, the salt will decompose immediately and give sodium and nitrogen gas as products.

2NaN3 → 2Na + 3N2

The equation above describes how sodium azide falls apart. It is noticeable that after the reaction, the total volume of the chemicals increased since there is only solid before reaction. And it can be calculated that under standard state condition, 130 grams of sodium azide produces about 67 liters of nitrogen gas which can inflate a normal airbag immediately (in 0.03 s!!) as the sensor detect a collision!

The following video shows how fast an airbag will expand!

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You may notice that nitrogen isn’t the only product of this reaction. It produces sodium, too! Sodium is a quite reactive metal and will form sodium hydroxide (click to see the hazards) which is a strong base when reacting with water. Thus it would be hazardous if it got into your nose or eyes. To minimized the risk, sodium azide is always mixed with other chemicals which convert sodium metal into less hazardous salts. The most commonly used chemicals are potassium nitrate and silica.

It can be seen from the equations above that the final products of the overall reaction are nitrogen gas and Na2K2SiO4 which is a harmless alkaline silicate (click to see the hazard).

Overall, the airbag does contain toxic substances, but it is quite stable and sealed inside your car. It will NOT kill you definitely!!! When the airbag is inflated, all the toxic chemicals will be converted into harmless substances which are nitrogen gas and alkaline silicate.

Written by Xuan Wang

Know Yourself Before Drinking Alcohol

Why after drinking, some people’s faces will turn red, while some of the others turn white?

Red face after drinking Alcohol   Source: Pixabay

Let’s talk about the reason for blushing first. Many people think this is caused by alcohol. But, it is instead caused by acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde has the function of expanding the capillaries, and the dilation of the capillary of the face is the reason of blushing. So if some people drink and blush, it means that they can quickly convert ethanol into acetaldehyde, which indicates that they have efficient ethanol dehydrogenase to complete this conversion. Relatively, there is another enzyme called aldehyde dehydrogenase. People who drink with red face are because they only contain ethanol dehydrogenase enzyme, but not aldehyde dehydrogenase. Therefore, the body rapidly accumulates acetaldehyde and cannot metabolize. As a result, the red face may last for a long time. Generally, the red colour will disappear after one or two hours. This process depends on the cytochrome P450 in the liver that slowly converts acetaldehyde into acetic acid, and then goes into the Krebs cycle and be metabolized.

What about people who can drink a lot? Usually, for this kind people, the more they drink, the whiter their face are. For one thing, they will suddenly fall into a blind drunk degree. That is because the highly active ethanol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase are not presented simultaneously, mainly due to the slow oxidation of P450 in the liver. So, why are such kind people able to give others a feeling of they are “wine tanks” ? The reason is: they rely on inner body fluid to dilute alcohol. It suggests that the bigger they are, the more they can drink. Until alcohol levels exceed 0.1 percent, under normal circumstances, they will fall into a coma.

What happens if a person has a highly active alcohol dehydrogenase and a highly reactive acetaldehyde dehydrogenase? Then we can say that he/she is a “wine tank”! We can judge if a person is a wine tank or not by seeing if they will sweat profusely while drinking. Because if both enzymes are highly active, alcohol quickly becomes acetic acid into the Krebs cycle, then turn to heat and sweat in a very short time.

Alcohol conversion  Source: Wikimedia Commons

People who have a white face after drinking are more likely to injure their liver. They lack the signal of drinking baseline, so it is easy to drink beyond their ability, which makes them drunk. What’s more, the alcohol in their bodies accumulates in the absence of highly active enzymes, leading to liver damage.

Depending on the introduced after-drinking characteristics, it can help you understand your own drinking system. Drinking according to your physical condition is a good method to protect your personal health when enjoying alcohols.

-Olivia Yang-

The Life Saving Reaction: Chapter II

As chemistry students we usually have to defend our choice of studying chemistry against the ceaseless attacks from friends and relatives. Therefore, beside boosting the food production and saving many lives, the Haber-Bosch process is a strong argument for how chemists can change the world. Simply the Haber-Bosch process produces ammonia from gaseous nitrogen and hydrogen under high temperature and pressure (500oC, 200 atm) . Since ammonia is the key component in chemical fertilizers, the Haber-Bosch process is responsible for the annual production of the food that keeps around 7 billion people alive nowadays.

But the story of the life saving reaction does not end here, a recent modification to the Haber-Bosch process is about to write a new chapter.

In may 2017, researchers from Waseda University and Nippon Shokubai Co. Ltd. achieved a highly efficient ammonia synthesis at low temperature, with the highest yield ever reported. In the paper that was published in Chemical Science, R. Manabe et al. used an Ru catalyst and applied electric field to achieve the reported synthesis. Although the activity of Ru catalyst for ammonia synthesis in mild conditions was reported in 1972, the rate of the reaction was very slow due to the high activation energy. Here is where the finding of the paper becomes interesting.

In the presence of an electric field and hydrogen or a compound containing hydrogen to carry the ions through the reaction, the activation energy can be significantly reduced. Instead of N2 and H2 dissociation followed by N-H bonds formation, protons add up to the N2 molecule and facilitates the N-N bond cleavage. In other words, in the presence of an electric field the reaction proceeds in an associative mechanism rather than a dissociative mechanism. The addition of the proton to the N2 molecule is an example of proton hopping, in which the proton keeps jumping from one molecule to an other.

Figure (1): The steps of the associative of mechanism in the presence of an electric field

As demonstrated in the figure (1), N2 first binds to the Ru catalyst through one N atom. A proton hops non binding N. Another proton hops to the binding N, and the nonbinding N associates to the metal center. The formation of N2H molecule in an electric field releases the energy that supports the endothermic cleavage of the N-N bond. However, the figure does not include the dissociation of the H2 molecule which is catalysed by the Ru. When ammonia is produced in acidic conditions, an ammonium ion is produced which carries out the hopping process which is the first step in the figure.

This news is significant for many reasons. First, the production of ammonia consumes more the 1% of the world’s produced energy. Saving this energy would have significant economic and environmental applications. Second, the use of ammonia as hydrogen carrier for Hydrogen fuel is currently studied, and low-energy synthesis of ammonia might be required soon. Finally but most importantly, you can have a crushing argument for how chemistry can change the world!



Is Quantum Cliché?

The word “quantum” is often over-used, sometimes in contexts where it is not remotely applicable, much to the annoyance of scientists. However, quantum mechanics, the often misunderstood field of physics relating to the motion and properties of particles on nanometre scales, actually does have more effects on our day-to-day life than many people realize, and more of these effects continue to be discovered. Technological innovations which were made possible by the study of quantum physics are the most commonly cited examples of quantum mechanics in day-to-day life, but recent research is leading scientists to believe that quantum phenomena may be at play in nature as well.

Recent studies have shown evidence of a phenomenon unique to quantum physics, called coherence, being at play in the process of photosynthesis. Coherence is a property of waves which is observed in quantum mechanical particles, because one of the key results of quantum mechanics is the fact that particles are not discrete, but actually waves. Waves can be in phase or out of phase, depending on how their troughs and peaks line up with each other. If they line up in a consistent pattern, then two waves are said to be coherent. In quantum mechanics, two particles being in a coherent state means that the wave functions that describe them are coherent with one another. Usually systems tend towards decoherence, because particles’ wave functions become less well-defined as they interact with the environment, making them in phase with each other in some places, and out of phase in others.

These figures demonstrate the difference between coherent and incoherent waves. The coherent waves above add to form a well-defined wave, while those below add to form a wave with randomly varying amplitude and phase
Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The classic Schrodinger’s cat thought experiment, in which a cat is both alive and dead at once, is one of the most well-known examples of quantum mechanics. It is made possible because the cat exists in a superposition of different states, which are able to be added together because they are coherent.

An illustration of the structure of photosystem II, as found in cyanobacteria
Credit: Wikimedia Commons

When plants convert light from the sun into energy, they initially use the energy from incoming photons to move electrons, in what is called a charge transfer. The process of charge transfer is exceptionally efficient, and without this efficiency, photosynthesis as we know it would not be possible. In a recent paper in Nature, researchers described their analysis of a reaction centre where charge transfer occurs, called photosystem II, and detailed how their results demonstrate that the high efficiency of charge transfer in photosynthetic processes is due to quantum coherence. The researchers obtained photosystem II protein complexes from spinach leaves, and analyzed the quantum states of these complicated species using lasers. They observed evidence of quantum coherence during charge transfer and proposed that “this coherence allows the sampling of the energy landscape (or switching between pathways) until the system finds the optimal route towards charge separation.” Clearly, this kind of “sampling of the energy landscape” could not be predicted without knowledge of the strange phenomena which are described by quantum mechanics.

This research demonstrates that the word “quantum” should not only be conjured up when thinking about the future of computers, and peddlers of pseudo-scientific products, but also when out for walks in the forest, or biting into a crisp apple, both of which might not be possible without the quantum phenomena that allow photosynthesis to be a viable process.

Salmons near Seattle found high with drugs, and should you be concerned?

Assuming you are a sushi or seafood lover, will you be shocked if I tell you the salmons near Seattle has found to have of multiple drugs, including cocaine in their tissues? Although you actually don’t need to worry about your health this time, some other effects may still worth concerning.

Salmon. credit: Pexels

A study lasted from 2014 to 2016 has examined the contaminants in three estuaries in Puget Sound near Seattle by collecting both water sample and juvenile Chinook Salmon samples. The scientists found that the juvenile Chinook Salmon’s tissue contains many drugs and other chemicals, including Prozac, Advil, Benadryl, Lipitor, BPA, even cocaine. The estuaries’ water also contains 81 types of drugs, cosmetic products, which are higher than the expected concentrations.

Salmon and water bodies contain the chemical products. Source:

The variety of the compounds inside salmon and water is from multiple factories in the regions producing a wide range of products, including pharmaceutical, personal care products, and current use pesticides. Multiple chemicals then are ejected into the water bodies and the organisms from the discharged water from the factories’ wastewater treatment plants.

Fortunately for us, the concentration of individual compounds in the organisms and water would be too low to affect human health. Also, there are multiple other salmon species to choose, like sockeye salmon, so that people would not need to eat juvenile Chinook salmon.

However, it is estimated that the salmons’ survival rate would be decreased by around 50%. The drugs could inhibit the salmons’ immunity, and make them more susceptible getting diseases and/or make them become less fit. This could also give them a hard time feeling from their predators, and thus increase the salmon population’s death rate.

Also, most of the compounds and products found in salmon tissues are in fact approved to use, or considered as non-toxic, it is quite common for them to be discharged from a wastewater treatment plant. Thus, only a small proportion of the chemicals are monitored or regulated in the estuary environment, while there could be hundreds of other chemicals/products presenting the water and organisms. Therefore, the toxicity effects might have been underestimated, as the “non-toxic compounds” could interact with each other, and increase their overall toxicity to be harmful to humans.

In a word, even though we are being lucky enough not to be affected by the drug-contained salmons this time this time, it is yet unclear about the overall effects of the multi-products-contaminated waterbodies. If we don’t work on to improve the wastewater monitoring and regulation system, maybe the water contamination will eventually affect ourselves.


-Lilo Wang