the Crop Plants’ Line of Defense

Although crops are immobile, they can feel, communicate and protect themselves in an unexpected way. They sense the stressful surroundings, then secretly warning each other without making physical contacts. Their words are produced from their tissues or the roots’ bacteria, then reach another plant through the air. They talk and react to harsh environments, protect themselves from plant pathogens and pests, and eventually adapt to the stresses.

With years of research, scientists have realized that the crops and their root microorganisms abound with natural volatile organic chemicals (VOC), which would be released under stressful conditions, and stimulate the plants to react accordingly to their environment. For example, the volatile chemical, methyl jasmonate, is released when tomatoes are exposed to insects or damaged. This chemical then triggers proteinase inhibitor in the undamaged tomatoes or their neighboring plants, which prevents the plants’ tissues from being digested.

Pic. 1. “face to face talk”, volatile chemicals flow from plants to plants. (Credit: Woolly Pocket)

Certain growth-promoting bacteria in roots space (rhizobacteria) can also sense the stressful environment, and they would contact the crops with the volatile chemicals, so that the behavior of plants can be regulated together by both rhizobacteria and the crop shoots, according to Dr. Ryu and his team’s study.

Pic. 2. Model of crop plants facing stressful conditions (PGPR= rhizobacteria, PR genes: Plant Pathogen genes) (Credit to Ryu et al, 2013)

They have found out that the rhizobacteria would trigger both ISR (induced systemic resistance) and IST (induced systemic tolerance) handling biotic and abiotic stresses separately. The rhizobacteria would produce salicylic acid and ethylene and trigger ISR for crops and prevent the pathogen’s infection. They can also regulate the sodium and iron uptake factors (HKT1 and FIT1), and the crop’s tissues would reduce the uptake level of these chemicals under IST.

It is also considered by Dr. Ryu’s team that the future fertilizers and/or pesticides can be developed from the bacterial-volatiles-plants relationship. They would apply certain water-soluble volatile chemicals, such as 2,3-butanediol, to make them more available for the rhizobacteria, which could then readily protect the plants. This chemical would be safe to animals and inexpensive (<$1/kg). But more research would be needed before such product becomes available in the markets.

Even without the potential application, it is still amazing to understand the crops’ languages and their lines of defense. Afterall, these wonderful creatures should be appreciated by their interesting behaviors more than just being food.

BPA-free Doesn’t Mean Estrogenic-free

Attribution: Flickr Commons

Before the 1990’s, when researchers began publishing papers on the harmful health effects of Bisphenol A (BPA), hard plastic polycarbonate consumer products were mostly made with the chemical monomer. Scientists uncovered that BPA, in similar structure to the estrogen, estradiol, interacts with estrogen receptors in the body, disrupting the endocrine system. This estrogenic activity can cause infertility, heart disease, cancer, neurobehavioral deficits, and more. After public demand, numerous countries began banning BPA, mainly in food and drink containers and baby products.

Estradiol (Top) and Bisphenol A (Bottom). Attribution: Wikimedia Commons and Wikimedia Commons.

Flash forward to now and our water bottles say “BPA-free”; however, this gives us a false sense of safety for, while our water bottles are free of Bisphenol A, the alternative resins used by plastic manufacturers are similar in structure and, as research shows, in negative health effects. Chemicals such as Bisphenol S (BPS) and Bisphenol F (BPF) are used as BPA alternatives in the production of PC plastic bottles and their chemical structures appear just, if not more, like estradiol than BPA. 

Bisphenol F (Top) and Bisphenol S (Bottom). Attribution: Wikimedia Commons and Wikimedia Commons.

A study published in Environment Canada found BPA-free consumer water bottles that leach BPA-like chemicals, causing the same effects to the endocrine system. The Austin, Texas private lab, CertiChem, measured the estrogenic activity of various plastic consumer bottles including black and blue CamelBak, blue and green Nalgene, Topaz, and Zeonor reusable plastic bottles. By exposing breast cancer cells, that multiply when their estrogen receptors activate in the presence of estrogen-like chemicals, to the plastic water bottles, and stressing the bottles using UV light, they determined whether these bottles were leaching estrogenic activity such as that of BPS and BPF. Their study confirmed that CamelBak and Nalgene bottles excreted Estrogenic chemicals, while Topaz and Zeonor reusable bottles remained intact even during stressed conditions.

So, if this news is as alarmingly shocking to you as it was for me and you are on the lookout for another water bottle, CertiChem‘s paper suggests that purchasing Topaz or Zeonor products is a better choice than Nalgene and CamelBak; of course, if you remain unsure, non-plastic stainless steel bottles may be the best choice for you. I just bought one at Manna.

For more information, watch the following video.

YouTube Preview Image

-Lori Waugh

Chemicals; The Root of All Evil

All over the media we see advertisements saying things like “chemical-free” or “all natural” when describing some product that they are marketing, and it is definitely working. I frequently have to remind my own mother that everything is made up of ‘chemicals’, and that anyone trying to sell you something that claims otherwise doesn’t know what they’re talking about. But then why does it work?

I believe it is because people automatically assign the word ‘chemicals’ another meaning, such as ‘poisonous’ or ‘toxic’, and as a result they don’t want anything to do with the stuff. As Dr. Mark Lorch, an academic chemist, mentions in an article by BBC defending chemistry “We use phrases like ‘it’s chock-full of chemicals’ to imply something is artificial or bad for you”. I can honestly say that I’ve been told this from my mother to get me to stop drinking Coca-Cola. This means that not only do people not understand what they are saying, but they use the association of ‘chemicals’ with ‘toxic substance’ to justify how they live their life! This comes up in other news articles like one I found about fast food packaging containing the dreaded ‘chemicals’.

The article uses numerical data and chemical jargon such as “fluorinated chemicals” (so specific) to scare its uninformed audience into thinking fast food packaging will hurt them. What do they have to gain from this? Is “chemicals are bad for you” going to be the next “You won’t believe these 17 crazy weight loss techniques!!”?

It’s not even bad enough that the click bait industry is preying upon uninformed audiences to terrify them into reading articles, but they have no shame in who they target. This article from a website called is entitled “5 Scary Chemicals Lurking in Your Favourite Foods”. Seriously? How do they even know what my favourite foods are? And why are they lurking in the food like some monster? This title is written with the sole intention of scaring the audience into reading it, because it gets you thinking “what if I eat my favourite pasta and it has these scary chemicals hiding in it?”. My grandparents have enough trouble understanding how to get their tablets to work without throwing this pseudo-information at them.

To circumvent this, I believe that either some media authority (such as the Advertising Standards Authority) needs to increase their efforts to stamp out these blatant click bait scares utilizing chemophobia at their core, or people need to have a more rudimentary education concerning ‘chemicals’. From personal experience, I know that once I explained to my little brother that water is a chemical and how it forms the basis for life as we know it, he drank it up like crazy. Understanding is key. As Stephen Hawking said (or at least is credited with saying), “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”

Jake Medeiros

Choose the right shoes for yourself

Author: Nancy MA Sep 24th

Have you ever noticed that different kinds of sports shoes have very different sole patterns and structures? For example, skateboard shoes have general flat soles, and running shoes’sole patterns are the same as the direction of the foot. Tennis shoes have horizontal patterns on their soles. Most people may choose shoes that are fashion and have a good appearance. It is important to choose the right shoes for different sports to protect you in sports activities.

There are several kinds of soles that are widely used in sport’s shoes. One of the most common sole patterns is a simple geometric image, such as circles. These kinds of soles are usually used in tennis shoes and basketball shoes since the small circles are like small disks that ensure the shoe has a better grip on the ground. A study shows that the user’s performance is likely to be enhanced because they have a greater feeling of security while performing the sporting activity.

New Balance is the first company that introducing this design into running shoes.

Another kind is sole has multi-directional lines or waves. They are widely used in running and tennis training to alleviate the stress and impact onto knees and ankles.


This is a pair of classic Nike Cortez shoes with wave patterns in shoe soles.

Nowadays, many shoe factories choose not to fill every part of the soles with lines since most people barely use the middle part of the soles. Therefore, usually there are more waves or lines at the top and end of the soles, but not in the middle part.

This pair of converse shoes is a good example of different lines and waves distributing in the shoe sole.

The third kind of soles is filled with 100% rubber. This is perfect for indoor sports such as basketball or badminton since rubber is a relatively light material and suitable for jumping higher or moving faster. Rubber is a wear-resistant material since it is a polymer. It is not easy to be damaged by rock or sand while climbing mountains or attending other high-intensity sports. The hardness of rubber can be changed by changing temperature or other factors during manufacturing. Since natural rubber is soft and can be easily bent at an angle of approximately 15° to a line normal to the longitudinal axis of the foot. The addition of sulfur or other covalent linkages between rubber chains increases the hardness of rubber and fit other sports.

This is the structure of natural rubber.

This is an example of industrial rubber.

Your feet are more important than you think. Everything from balance, stability, movement and musculoskeletal alignment begins with the feet. Therefore, it is important to choose the right shoes for yourself.

Nancy Ma


New Plan for Seeking Life on Mars

Written by: Jake Wong, Sept. 24th

Many have wondered whether our neighbor planet, Mars, contains life outside of what we know of here on Earth. It would make sense, as Mars is within the proper distance away from the Sun to sustain life. However, enough research has been done to know that the stereotypical humanoid green “Martian” does not exist. Therefore, researchers are switching targets to find life: fossilized microorganisms, or “microfossil”.

Geology professor Craig Marshall and his team recently released a paper discussing how the detection of vanadium can lead to detecting life. The technique makes use of Raman spectroscopy, which reveals the cellular composition of a sample. Previously, researchers had been using Raman spectroscopy to see if a sample contains carbon chains, which all living things are made of. However, there are a lot of artificial carbon samples that may visually look like a fossil without actually being previously alive. Therefore, a new identifying factor was required, which Marshall’s team believes to be vanadium.

Example of a microfossil from Earth taken by Craig Marshall. Source

It has been previously shown that vanadium on Earth is present in things like crude oil and fossilized plants, both of which are similar to what would indicate life on Mars. This also shows that the vanadium can still be detected after extremely long periods of time and potentially under great pressure. In order to detect vanadium, Marshall is testing a technique called synchrotron micro-X-ray fluorescence, which focuses on the elemental presences in a sample.

So, if a sample has the physical characteristics of a microfossil, is shown to contain carbon material through Raman spectroscopy, and is shown to contain vanadium through synchrotron micro-X-ray fluorescence, then we can conclude that sample contains a microorganism, Marshall states. However, currently all tests on this hypothesis have been on samples from Earth. Soon, we will hopefully see this method being used on actual Martian rocks.

I believe these results are the first steps for mankind to finally make groundbreaking extraterrestrial discoveries. In the past, our testing of Martian samples was highly limited and not extremely targeted for finding life, but with these new ideas and techniques, we may find data that could lead to future colonization of Mars. I have extremely high hopes for this project and the future of our space exploration.

With investigations of Mars continuing and a Rover planned to be sent to Mars in 2020, we may find soon that we are not as alone in the solar system as we once thought.

An artist’s rendition of the Rover to land on Mars in 2020
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Read Marshall’s paper here.

Driving with Lemon

Climate change has been the most discussed topic for the past decade. The world is feeling the effects of global warming and research has shown that the burning of fossil fuel is one of the leading causes. Fossil fuel must be replaced with a clean and sustainable energy source. A novel new research has found an interesting alternative in lemon peel oils.

Imagine that lemon peels, a produce that is often regarded as food wastes, has the potential to power everyday vehicles. Researcher has successfully extracted oils from lemon peels which has the potential to be an environmentally friendly substitute for diesel fuel.

Lemon Peel

The scientists injected the biofuel into a diesel engine and studied its effects. The engine increased in performance and emitted significantly lower emission levels. One of the measurements made was NOx emission levels as NOx (Nitrious Oxide)  is one of the biggest contributors to global warming.

The biofuel was a mixture of lemon peel oil and diesel fuel, but the increases in proportion of lemon oil corresponded to better performance and less emission. Dr. Ashok, the lead researcher, wrote” it is concluded that 50% lemon peel oil could be readily used in diesel engine with comparable performances and improved emission characteristics”. This study was published in the journal Energy Conversion and Management.

The researchers extracted the lemon peel oil with steam distillation. They tested different proportions of lemon peel oil and diesel fuel mixtures in a fully functional diesel engine. The lemon oil’s natural low viscosity and low boiling point allowed it to function in a normal engine.

Lemon and other Citrus Wastes

The research into lemon peel oil and other biofuels can tackle multiple world issues such as the food waste crisis. Examples such as the lemon peel oil biofuel can be produced and implemented cheaply due to its abundancy as food wastes. Dr. Ashok and the team of researcher stated “Overall diesel engine characteristics indicated that lemon peel oil can partially or completely replace the petroleum diesel usage”.

Written by: Harvey Wu

Biodegradable Plastic: The New Potential Waste Management Solution

Production of plastic has increased from 0.5 million tonnes in 1950 to 260 million tonnes in 2007. It is versatile, lightweight, flexible, moisture resistant and relatively inexpensive. Their attractive qualities lead us, around the world, to an over-consumption of plastic products. However, conventional plastics, which make up 60-80 percent of marine litter from the poles to the equator, are durable and very slow to degrade. They are harmful to marine animals as they release toxic additives including flame retardants, antimicrobials and plasticizers into the marine environment during degradation. Use of a biodegradable polymer that degrades more quickly than conventional plastics may present a solution to the problem.

Mouth of the Los Angeles River, Long Beach, California. (Photo source: ©© Bill McDonald, Algalita Foundation / Heal The Bay)

During April 2008 – March 2009, researchers from Marine Biology and Ecology Research Centre of University of Plymouth investigated breakdown of four types of plastics in the marine environment, including two different oxo-biodegradable formulations trademarked as TDPATM, a biodegradable bag manufactured using GM-free corn starch, vegetable oils and compostable polyesters, and a standard polyethylene bag produced from 33% recycled materials.

The scientists fastened 20 wooden sample holders to a beam attached to a floating pontoon at Queens Anne Battery Marina, Coxside Plymouth, Devon and examined degradation at 4, 8, 16, 24, and 40 weeks. After 24 weeks of exposure, the compostable polyester samples lost 100% of their surface area. However, the other materials lost only approximately 2% of their surface area over 40 weeks exposure. Fouling by marine organisms reduced the sunlight reaching the surfaces of the standard polyethylene, TDPATM 1 and 2 samples, which resulted in much slower degradation.

Plastics in the Ocean Affecting Marine Life

Plastic bags are especially harmful to marine animals since many animals confuse the plastic litter in the ocean with food. Ingestion of plastic debris may present a threat as chemicals including phthalates, polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides on plastic fragments may present a toxicological hazard.

One in three leatherback sea turtles has plastic in its stomach, based on a study of over 370 autopsies. (Photo: Laura Beans)

“A large number of marine species is known to be harmed and/or killed by plastic debris… One possibility to mitigate the problem is the development and use of biodegradable and photodegradable plastics.” (Derraik, 2002)

Biodegradable polymers offer potential waste management solutions. However, there are still limitations and ethical issues about their application.

-Jennifer Liu-

Recent Study in Nature Geoscience Highlights Need for International Cooperation on Climate Change

September 24, 2017

Revised: October 14, 2017

Author: Kiara Grant

Pollution in China might be contributing to ozone levels over the western United States, according to an article recently published in Nature Geoscience. The article detailed the findings of a research group at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, which analyzed data from a NASA satellite called Aura. Aura measured concentrations of ozone, and its precursors in the atmosphere, specifically in two layers of the atmosphere, called the stratosphere and the troposphere.

Tracking the level of ozone in the troposphere is important because, while in the stratosphere ozone protects the planet from UV radiation, just below, in the free troposphere, it acts as a greenhouse gas, contributing to global warming.  Furthermore, in the lower troposphere it can have negative health effects on plant and animal life. Ozone pollution is known to aggravate conditions like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and can even impair lung development in children.

Diagram of the layers of Earth’s atmosphere       Credit: NASA/Goddard



The authors of the study broke down the causes of the observed changes in ozone into three categories: emissions, transport, and stratosphere-troposphere exchange. Emissions refers to emissions of nitrogen oxides caused by human activity. Nitrogen oxides are a class of chemicals which, as their name would imply, are made up of nitrogen and oxygen atoms. The term nitrogen oxides is used primarily to refer to NO and NO2 gas. In the troposphere, these gases are precursors to ozone. Transport refers to the long-range transport of ozone, by air currents. Finally, stratosphere-troposphere exchange refers to the natural exchange of ozone from the stratosphere to the troposphere.

The major finding of the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium’s study was that significant quantities of ozone travelled from China to the western United States, and that this transport greatly offset the reduction in free-tropospheric ozone which was expected in that area. Between 2005 and 2010, there was an estimated 21% decrease in nitrogen oxide emissions over the Western US. This was thanks to changes in federal, state and local air quality policies. However, approximately 43% of the expected ozone reduction in the Western US between 2005 and 2010 was completely offset by inflow of ozone from China, where tropospheric ozone increased by nearly 7% in that same time period.

This map shows the longwave radiative effect of infrared radiation absorbed by tropospheric ozone as estimated from top-of-atmosphere observations.
Credit: NASA/Goddard


The authors of the study concluded that “air quality and regional climate change mitigation policies could eventually have limited impact if not considered in a global context.” Despite the present need for global cooperation to face the threat of climate change, recent events, such as Donald Trump’s announcement that the US will withdraw from the Paris climate accord, have some worried that international alliances are weakening. This study is a clear reminder that when facing global problems, individual nation’s actions have international impact.

Who Touched the Thermostat?

“This cannot be correct; God has the thermostat of the earth” said my 80 years old grandmother, in her last attempt to challenge the scientific consensus that the earth’s climate system is warming. As youthful scientists with scientific mindsets, you probably find her argument ridiculous. However, her argument is not entirely false. The earth has a thermostat, the Weathering Thermostat.

A group of scientists in University College London found the first evidence for the planetary thermostat that controls the temperature of the earth. The lead author, Pogge Von Strandmann, describes this process as a mechanism that prevents the temperature of the earth from going crazy.

The process by-which the earth stabilizes its temperature is simple, and have been known for many years; it is called “Weathering”. In this process, rainwater dissolves CO2 from the atmosphere, and combines it with rocks to form bicarbonates. Later, the bicarbonates drift to the ocean, where they react with calcium to be trapped in the form of limestone. Therefore, this process reduces the concentration of CO2, and the climate system cools down. However, if this reaction is slowed down, the CO2 builds up in the atmosphere, traps the heat that is coming from the sun, and the climate system warms up.

Limestone formations in the Torcal de Antequera. Photographer: Juan Fernández Source:

Still how does the weathering process control the temperature of the earth?

The weathering reaction is temperature dependent; the rate of the reaction increases as the temperature increases, using more CO2 from the atmosphere. But, at low temperatures, the reaction slows down to let the CO2 trap the heat coming from the sun.

If you already know this, you are probably yawning while thinking what is new?

This process had been hypothesized without real evidence. But according to the new study that was published in June 2017, in the journal Geochemical Perspectives Letters, authors have used Li isotopes to monitor the weathering process during the end of the glacial period. Their findings show a decline in the weathering of silicate rocks during the period when the climate system warmed and the ice age ended.

The team chose the Li isotopes because it is solely related to the weathering of silicate rocks. This enhances the certainty that the lowered concentration of Li isotopes in ocean limestone indicates the decline of the weathering of silicate rocks.

In conclusion, the earth had survived sever climate changes. However, fuel combustion, deforestation, and excessive use of pesticides introduce new challenges to the earth. In my opinion, as temperature rises, new natural reactions will be kinetically and thermodynamically afforded, and will reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, exactly as weathering does. On the other hand, in her BBC article, Vivien Cumming argues that by the end of this century temperature will rise 4 celsius degrees, a number that she considers to be insane. As a young scientist and an inhabitant of the earth, your opinion on this subject is very valuable…do you have one yet?

By: Maged Hassan

Anyone Wants a Second Skin?

Skin is crucial part of our body, and as a part of the body, it ages. As the skin ages, it loses its ability to recover rapidly and gets damaged easily. Many people get stressed as they look in the mirror every morning, about wrinkles and blemish on their faces, and hope that they can erase them. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to recover the skin to its full youth state with existing solutions.

Image from Pexels :

To solve these problems, scientists have developed a ‘second skin,’ which is a clear, flexible polymer that mimics the properties of real skin that can be worn directly to the skin.

The idea of artificial skin came with scientists’ interest in creating autonomous intelligent robots among with other applications, leading to development of electronic hand with sensors since 1974. A lot of research has been conducted then to enhance the function of electronic skin and to make it resemble that of human. Inspired from scientific fictions, researchers have developed flexible and active-matrix electronic skin in 2004. However, there was still a long journey left to catch up with the complicated, real skin.

Finally in recent studies, Daniel Anderson, an associate professor in Chemistry Engineering in MIT, and his research team along with Harvard University developed a ‘second skin,’ called XPL. This wearable skin, an elastic polymer layer, has the properties of real skin and can be applied on human skin as a cream, instantly without use of heat or light-mediated activation.

Application of platinum catalyst to polysiloxane compound. Image credit : Olivo Labs

The second skin works in two-step process, where polysiloxane compounds, followed by platinum catalyst, is applied. The platinum catalyst enables the polymer to be attached to the skin for up to 24 hours, resisting washing and rubbing. The platinum catalyst does this by creating a strong layer on top of the polysiloxane compounds and adhering strongly to the skin.

To see the applicability of this material, Anderson has observed the visual impact when it is worn, tested on durability by twisting the skin with XLP on top, by wearing it over 24 hours, and by washing and rubbing under running water. The result was amazing. The ‘second skin’ was found to be ‘wearable, moisturizing, safe, well tolerated, and provides enhanced mechanical integrity to the underlying skin’ (Anderson, 2016).

“So the goal was to really create something that was totally invisible, breathable, could coat the skin, protect it, perhaps deliver drugs to it, and also perhaps even make it look better,” Anderson says.

Not only does it hide the wrinkles which many people get stressed about, it also protects our skin from UV radiation, the well-known main cause of skin cancer.


While further research will be continued to create more ideal products in the future, the ability to deliver drugs, to protect the underneath skin layer, and its invisibility gives hope to the people with diseases or wounds on their skin. Also, this could make our life easier by replacing cosmetics!


-Diana Kim-