Author Archives: farhadm

Stop rushing !!

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joshua bell, a very famous violin player performs in Washington’s subway. only few people stop and pay attention, at the end, what he got was couple of dollars. His violin worth 3.5 million and people pay 100$ for the ticket to go to his concert.

It should ring the bell for many of us. The implication is that either people enjoy music in a certain place and certain time or they are so obssessed with their daily life that don’t enen have time to enjoy the beauty around them.

Depression drugs and their negative effects.

The Affected brain

Depression drugs have been used for a long time, however, the negative effects associated with them is well understood. A well-known depression drug is Prozac, which increases the amount of seratonine in the brain and may cause long term effects in the brain. It takes about one month for the drug to affect the person and lower the depression level.

Can eye exercise improve athletic performance?

Researchers have developed a special eye exercise for athletes and have monitored their performance in sport after performing these exercises. In once eye exercise for example, researchers installed many touch-sensitive lights on a board and turned on the lights randomly within tens of second intervals and asked athletes to touch the lights as soon as they appear. In this exercise that was done on a professional athlete, she gradually showed improvement in her own athletic field. Since our eyes like most of our other organs are surrounded with many muscles to control its direction and dilation, it makes sense through improving these muscles and improving their coordination with brain, one can improve their athletic performance since a good visual perception and correlating it to physical correspondence is the most important part of athletic performance. Therefore, it is very important for any one to consider the eye exercise as important as any physical exercise and work on it on daily basis.

Is it ethical to allow cloning in human?

As researchers explore the human genome, they are facing many ethical issues that does not allow them to do further approach in their findings. Since we all know, the genetic information are all built and saved in DNA and are replicated constantly through our lifetime. Studies done on DNA have enabled to discover a scientific miracle called cloning, which is in simple term the rebuild of organs using the DNA templates in human genome. Although cloning is not fully developed and it is still in its basic stages, it may have lots of implications that can improve health and survival many people who have health conditions resulting from organs failure or damage. It also can be a very good substitute for organ transplantation which is very risky since the patience who receives the transplant can reject the organ or develop major challenges to accept the new organ. Since cloning uses the genomes of the same person to develop the new organ or limb it will reduce the risk factors to a large extent. Although cloning has many benefits but there are many researches and studies needs to be done in order to imply cloning as an alternative cure for many patients. At this stage scientists have to be extremely cautious since they are dealing with human and since performing experiments on human can lead to death, so ethic is a major barrier to increase the paste of the studies in this field. However, in many cases where the patient has no other alternative, I think even experimental cloning may give him or her a chance to recover his or her health again, What do you think? Should organ cloning be offered as an alternate in curing the diseases considering its health factors?

Is the lack of moral values the major cause for high divorce rate?

The rate of divorce is increasing dramatically since the beginning of the 21st century, but what is the real cause. Some people blame it on hardships in providing the basis for the life. They work extra hard and get too obsessed with responsibilities that they forget the needs of their loved ones. But if we step back and look at our expectations we realize that our standards of living is way higher compared to the past. Mostly people seek nice cars and houses but they may not be aware that how much time they should devote to their work in order to satisfy those needs. If on the other hand, people don’t set their standards for life too high and be able to be satisfied with what they have, they will have way more time for themselves and their partner and can invest that time in building a more solid relationship, or in the case of families, invest that time to educate their children. Certainly media plays a significant role in people expectations for life, but people have to try to see that and not be affected by external factors.