Tag Archives: pain

Life as a Fish

Look at the poor little fish flopping around! They must be in pain right? Actually no,  they might not be!

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via youtube user nclspttr

Are you one of those people that feel sad for those little fish when you see them squirming in pain? If yes, then you will be happy to know that these fish may not actually be in pain at all. Research has been done that says that fish are  physically incapable of feeling pain.

On the other hand, there has been some research done that claims fish do feel pain; however, the science in this research is not always accurate. Most of this research fails to differentiate between nociception and actual pain. Nociception is basically a pain-free response to remove an unpleasant sensation. This response comes from the nociceptors. Researchers see this response and assume that it is pain when really it isn’t.

There has also been research done that says fish do not feel pain; and here is the main reason why. Fish have quite a few A-delta fibers which are responsible for the first reaction one has to avoid pain. For example, pulling your hand away from a hot object before you get burnt. They have a very small amount of C-type fibers which provide intense and lasting pain.

A photo of nerve fibers via flickr user akay

So next time you feel bad for that little fishy flopping around, maybe you should think again. That fish may be one of the luckiest organisms out there. Imagine a life where you don’t need to feel pain. Could be pretty great right? I beat you are wishing you were a fish right now. Just like this happy guy!


A happy fish via wiki media user bramfab