Category Archives: Biological Sciences

The ABC’s of Transport Proteins and Plants

How much do plants interest you?

For Dr. Mathias Schuetz, plants have been an interest of his ever since he can remember. This may have stemmed from the fact that he grew up in the countryside, surrounded by them!

– Above is a picture of Dr. M. Schuetz,
– via ellislab.

Dr. Schuetz took plant science as a minor and worked in a reforestation agency during his undergraduate years. One day, a faculty member from Simon Fraser University, who was a plant biologist, came to him and asked:

“Hey, why don’t you work in my lab?”

From this brief exchange of words, he is currently a plant molecular biologist at University of British Columbia.

In his recent research, due to the lack of previous research, he focuses on finding the genes of proteins that are involved in transporting lignin, a chemical compount that acts as a “glue” in plants. He used the model organism, Arabidopsis thaliana, for his research.

– Above is a picture of the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, used in this study.
– via Wikimedia

To study the biological process of lignification, Dr. Schuetz ordered Arabidopsis seeds that contain a change in the genes that he was going to study and grew them. Five genes in Arabidopsis were selected to be further studied because plants that had the change in the genes were falling over or could not transport water.

The following video clip showcases important biological processes in plants that the research investigated, such as ligninfication and auxin transport:

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Even though three of the genes were actually auxin transport proteins, this study gave us insight into the physiology of plants, which can lead to a better understanding of cancer. Therefore, we need to put more effort into studying these transport proteins since this branch of proteins (ABC transport proteins) were first identified and characterized in tumor cells, which has resistance to chemotherapy drugs.

Check out our audio about how plants are important and how this study would also improve the pulp and biofuel industry:

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

(Here is a file for the credits of the podcast:Podcast citation group)

Could Climate Change Be Killing Fish?

Environmental issues are rising more than ever, it seems. From development of pipelines to salmon farming, we have to make sure that the environment is not getting pushed to the backburner.

The climate is warming, this is a fact. What we don’t know for a fact is how this warming of the climate is going to affect the earth and the organisms on it. For example, one thing people probably don’t think about is fish and how climate change could be affecting them. The climate is warming and therefore the ocean temperatures are rising. This could potentially decrease fish populations which also cause problems for fisheries around the world.

One way that fisheries can deal with this is by implementing harvest control rules, and by using flexible-date rather than fixed-date seasonal openings. Harvest control rules are a network of guidelines that protect certain species to some degree, based on their relative abundance during certain years or seasons. When these rules are adjusted to changing climates, fisheries can be more effective in protecting fish species. Flexible-date openings mean that fisheries adjust what time of the year they open and close, also based on changing climates. Therefore they can be more proactive in allowing fishing during the right water temperatures; for example, they can time fishing around spawning seasons more accurately.

In terms of fishery management B.C is doing well, but there is still room for improvement.  Michael C. Melnychuk, a visiting scientist at UBC who is a researcher in fisheries science at the University of Washington, talks to a group of UBC students about the current state of fisheries worldwide and what they can do to be improving. His research involves collecting data on fisheries around the world and comparing their management systems, and how effective they are in terms of working with climate change and unpredictabilities associated with fish stocks.

Here is what happened when a UBC student went to investigate:

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video credit to Diane Mutabaruka, Shaun Ong, Chloe Bocker, Alysha Morden

Everyone is affected by the fishing industry, directly or not. Sam, a fisherman at Steveston in Richmond, was interviewed on popular radio show “Life at Work” from the Science 300 studio. He acknowledges that fishermen are, understandably, motivated by personal interest, which is why extra precautions need to be taken by the government and fisheries alike in monitoring and protecting fish populations. After all, Sam’s just trying to make a living. Here is what Sam said:

Life at Work

So, UBC students want to save the fish population so they can continue to eat their sushi and Sam the fisherman just wants to be able to fish where he wants when he wants. Unlike Sam, we want to save the fish! Climate change is happening and we are not entirely sure how to control it. Management strategies however are something we can control. This is why we believe that management strategies are the way to go in helping to save the fish populations.

-B.C. Environmental Activists

Can the North Atlantic right whales be saved?

What is 15 meters long, has no teeth, and weighs as much as ten elephants? If you guessed the North Atlantic right whale, you are correct!

North Atlantic right whale model taken from Wikimedia Creative Commons by Ryan Somma

These magnificent whales can be found swimming the waters between Newfoundland and Georgia. However, due to extensive hunting in past decades, the North Atlantic right whale is one of the most endangered whale species in the world, and their populations are struggling to recover.

Listen below for a peek into the whaling industry, before whale protection in 1935.

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Researchers at the University of British Columbia have recently developed a new way to model the growth of this species. This model is fundamental to understanding the nutritional needs of the North Atlantic right whale, and also enables veterinarians to apply more effective dosages of tranquilizers or antibiotics to injured and entangled whales.

Fishing gear taken from Wikimedia Creative Commons by Dedda71

Particularly, the findings of this research demonstrate that North Atlantic right whales have unique growth patterns, unlike any other whale species! As researcher Sarah Fortune explained, calves grew the fastest during their first year of life, gaining as much as 18 kg per day. This would be similar to a baby growing to 4 feet by the age of one, an incredibly fast growth rate!

How are young whales able to acquire enough food to sustain this growth? This responsibility falls on the mothers, and lactating females require massive amounts of energy to support their growing offspring. Researchers believe that the malnutrition of these females may have negative impacts on their ability to reproduce, and could be what is preventing population recovery. By understanding their unique growth patterns, Sarah and her team are hopeful that experts can better understand which areas should be protected, to ensure mothers attain sufficient nutrients to support their offspring.

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Above, Sarah Fortune gives insight into the methods, findings, and significance of her research.

Aside from nutritional stress, these whales are also suffering from ship strikes and fishing gear entanglement. Fortunately, there has been increasing awareness for their safety. For example, boats have been reducing their speeds so that collisions are not fatal for whales, and fishing lines have been re-designed to lie along the seafloor, reducing the chance of entanglement.

However, you may be wondering – what exactly can I do to help? Sarah stresses that everybody can play an active role in the recovery of these whales. As she explains, “The best thing we can do is to purchase seafood that has been collected by whale safe fishing gear.” By supporting responsible fishing initiatives in our consumer choices, the general public can help protect the future of these breathtaking animals. So, next time you are purchasing your seafood, look for the green “whale-safe” bands – the whales will thank you!

– Candy Fu, Tabish Khan, and Sydney Schnell

Printing–a new way to save a life.

A depiction of some of the many organs of the body from Achim Raschka via Wikimedia Commons.

The need for organs for people suffering from disease is ever-growing, and high.

This need has resulted in large scale ethical debates, some doctors opting for more radical ways to harvest organs. At the same time, patients are dying because they were not given a transplant promptly. The current situation in North America is dismal at best.

However, hope does exist! A recent innovation reported by a group of researchers at Heriot-Watt University could solve the problem. How you might wonder? By what scientists are calling “organ printing“.

Organ printing is a technology combining the concept of 3-dimensional printing and stem cells. A 3-dimensional printer is a machine that is able to make 3D objects when given some sort of electronic plan for the object to be printed. Traditionally, 3D printers have used metals or plastics as the ink for making objects. But instead of metal or plastic, an organ printer uses embryonic stem cells as ink; cells that are able to divide and change their identity into any other cells such as heart, lung, kidney or even brain cells, and carry out their function.

A printer that uses cells as ink could make organs! Pictures adapted from Seahen, Jomegat and Osnimf (left to right) via Wikimedia Commons.

You might wonder why this would be considered a huge breakthrough. The discovery of stem cells heralded a large amount of attention. We initially believed that we would be able to grow organs easily; however, over time, we learned that stem cells are more complex than we realized. Stem cell growth is difficult to control. Even though we can currently make a stem cell change its identity into a cell we want it to be, we cannot effectively mesh groups of cells into highly organized layers, like how complex organs such as the heart and kidneys are laid out. Experiments reported as late as three years ago could only make balls of different cell types from stem cells using chemicals. 3D printing using stem cells allows us to organize cells and distribute them the way we want them to be, and so, we could make complex structures with different layers in a consistent way in the near future.

Below, Dr. Anthony Atala talks about organ printing techniques he is researching in his lab.

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By CNN via Youtube.

But how near is the near future? I remain skeptical. Stem cells are complex things, and we have much to learn about them. Just because we place them in the right positions in the right type does not mean that all problems will be solved. Additionally, we have yet to research where to place cells so that they function the right way in an organ. I would think that this technology would take at least 10 years to be relevant to our everyday lives. Only time will tell.



Bloody Sunscreen

As summer rapidly approaches, it brings with it the hot sun, dark tans, and skin burns. As undesirable as skin burns are, many people use things like sunscreen to combat this, while those who do not, become susceptible to things like skin damage. Now, Imagine a world in which there was no need for sunscreen. This is the world of the Hippopotamus, more commonly known as the Hippo.

Wikimedia commons via Micha L. Rieser

Hippos puzzled people for many years, as they appeared to sweat out blood. Studies have busted this myth, revealing that the Hippopotamus releases a sticky secretion from its skin, which is originally colourless. This colourless substance later changes its colour to red, giving rise to the idea of “bloody sweat”. This occurs due to two little pigments in its skin, which polyerize.  One of them is orange (called: “norhipposudoric acid” ) and the other red ( called: “hipposudoric acid”). Both of these pigments absorb Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation, offering protection from the suns harmful rays, whereas the red pigment specifically, has anti-bacterial properties. This helps the hippo fight disease-causing agents like bacteria and viruses, as well has helping it recover from wounds. This is very important as hippos tend to fight a lot , leaving lots of wounds, scratches, and cuts.

Wikimedia Commons via William Warby

This amazing sweat not only protects the hippopotamus from the sun, but also helps keep its skin moist, which is crucial for this large animal. This is because it sticks onto the hippos skin – wet or dry, which is very convenient as the hippo spends a large portion of the day in the water.

Wikimedia via BS Thurner Hof

Great interest has been generated from this perspiration, as scientists and entrepreneurs a like, marvel at the idea of producing a similar product for humans, with the properties of sunscreen, sunblock,as well as being an antiseptic. No such product has yet been synthesized, but the future looks promising!


-Tabish Khan


A Gene for Skinny Jeans!

The person sitting beside you in your morning lecture is slurping down an extra-large iced cap, with whipping cream AND chocolate drizzle. Those french fries in the cafeteria at lunchtime are looking deliciously tempting, and when you get home from your long day your roommate has a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies sitting on the counter.

Chocolate Chip Cookies! Christie @ Love From the Oven via Flickr Creative Commons.

Oh the temptations, but with “beach season” soon approaching, it makes for a hard choice between those deliciously fattening foods and a trim waistline. What if I told you that soon, you may be able to indulge in all of your favorite foods, never hit the gym, and still turn heads in your swimsuit this summer?!

Miguel Angel via Flickr Creative Commons.

Genetics researchers at the University of Colorado’s School of Medicine, led by Professor James McManaman, have recently discovered a gene that appears to be directly related to obesity. This gene, called Perilipin 2 (Plin2), produces a protein that plays a key role in regulating fat storage and metabolism. When mice lacking this gene were fed an obesity-inducing diet, they were observed to be resistant to becoming obese!

In fact, not only did these mice stay lean, they appeared to be much healthier than the mice with a functional Plin2 gene. Compared to normal mice, their fat cells were 20% smaller, they showed an absence of fatty-liver disease, they had lower triglyceride levels, and they were more insulin-sensitive. When both normal mice and mice lacking the Plin2 gene were placed on an obesity-inducing diet, the Plin2-lacking mice showed surprising restraint when eating their food (normal mice will eat until all food is gone!), and were also more active.

Obese mouse and normal mouse. Bigplankton via Wikimedia Commons.

What does this mean for us?

Obesity is quickly becoming a dominant health concern throughout North America (see famous chef Jamie Oliver discussing the obesity trend here), indirectly causing a long list of medical complications such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, and stroke.

Obesity, an increasing trend in North America. Malingering via Flickr Creative Commons.

The interesting thing is, humans also have a Plin2 gene. If researchers can find a way to target the Plin2 gene, these findings may result in an effective treatment for obesity. This would lead to a slimmer, healthier nation, and reduce the financial strain  that obesity-related complications place on our health care systems!

However, don’t book your reservation at the neighbourhood all-you-can-eat buffet just yet. Before any human applications can be made, we must better understand what other roles the Plin2 gene may play, and how removal of this gene will influence health and behavior on a long-term scale.

– Sydney Schnell

The Science Affairs of Mice and Men

You may not have worried too much about Pinky and The Brain actually taking over the world in the past, but with a new procedure that transplants human brain cells into mice, the 90s cartoon may not be too far off.

Humans have two major types of cells in their brain. Neuron cells are responsible for sending electrical and chemical signals throughout your nervous system. Until now, the other type of cell has been largely ignored in regards to communication and learning. These glial cells have been thought of as structural cells that provide protection and support for neurons. The typical jobs of glial cells (purple, green and blue cells), supporting and protecting the neurons (yellow cells), are pictured below.

Via Anmats on Wikimediacommons

Researchers from the University of Rochester performed an experiment in which they transplanted human glial cells into newborn mice. When these mice reached adulthood, human glial cells had replaced a large percentage of the mice brain cells in the front areas of their brains.

Via Rama on Wikimedia commons

Testing of these mice revealed that they had an enhanced ability to learn. Analysis of their learning abilities was done using a variety of techniques, such as the Barnes maze test (pictured below). In this test mice are placed on a circular surface with visual cues on the board and many holes around the edge. The mice must locate and remember, based on the visuals provided, the hole that it can use as an escape route from the circular platform. Mice with transplanted human cells demonstrated a shorter time in completing this task. As well, they made fewer errors (choosing the wrong hole to try and escape) when completing the task.

Example of a Barnes maze setup
Via Marcoesiste on Wikimedia commons

This experiment indicates that human glial cells enhance learning and the brains ability to make new connections (neuroplasticity) in mice. In addition to creating super smart mice, this procedure also shed some light on the potential functions of glial cells in humans.

You can go to NPR and listen to an interview about neurons, glial cells and this research by clicking here

What does this mean for the human brain? The human brain is creating new connections and pathways every time you remember something or have a new thought. How much of this is strictly because of neurons, and how much relates to glial cells?

Glial cell: superstar of the brain
Via Methoxyroxy on Wikimedia commons

The evidence from this experiment supports the idea that the evolution of the human brain may be dependent on glial cells, and not just neurons. With this new information researchers need to evaluate what they believe the functions of glial cells actually are. Are they lowly structural cells or much more than that?

– Miranda Marchand

Fact or Fiction?

Now, I’m sure many of us have fallen for some very untrue facts in science.
Here I’ve collected just a few commonly believed myths, and their real explanations!

Myth #1 
People explode in space
Here, we are assuming being unprotected in space, such as a leak in a space suit or some other hazardous accident.

From DeviantArt, User ~Master-Fri

So to clarify,

No, no people do not explode in space and their blood does not boil (unlike what we’ve seen in various SciFi movies). The containing properties of your skin and circulatory system prevent this. 

There would be some swelling of course, loss of oxygen leading to unconsciousness  There would also be skin burns due to being unprotected closer to the sun.

An incident which occurred at NASAs Manned Spacecraft Center (now renamed Johnson Space Center) in 1965 gives us a better idea of what would happen if one was exposed in a pure vacuum, much like space. A test subject was in a  near-vacuum condition, when his space suit started to leak. After about 14 seconds, he fainted. After the chamber was re pressurized  he regained consciousness.  Now obviously we can not be sure exactly what happens, as I’m sure no one would offer to be the test subject, but based off of what we currently understand about space and pressure, we are quite sure that we do not explode. Or boil. Sorry SciFi fans.

Myth #2
Five Second Rule!

Hand Sanitizer
From Wikimedia, User Sean Narvasa

Okay, even I have admitted to doing this. Dropping a piece of food on the ground, picking it up and yelling five second rule, as a way for me to justify eating whatever it is I had dropped without having to worry about germs. This is terribly wrong.

As soon as a piece of food hits the floor, it will stick to whatever germs happen to be there. Now, this doesn’t mean you can’t eat the food, it just means that you may possibly be ingesting a harmful bacteria. And get sick. Up to you.

Myth #3
Brain Cells Can’t Regenerate

From, User digitalbob8

This was thought to be true for a very long time, until a discovery in 1998, by Sweden and at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California. The learning and memory center of the brain can regenerate new cells!

Now you can’t be fooled into thinking brain cells can’t regenerate,  but that does not stop you from lightly bopping a friend on the head and saying “Uh oh, you’ve just lost brain cells!”. Not that anyone did that to me as a kid, causing me to worry that I would grow up not knowing anything because I lost all my brain cells… *cough*

And that’s it folks! Want to know some more neat myths? The video down below mentions some of the most common scientific myths

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Video found on Youtube from user alltimetens
