Category Archives: Biological sciences

Dogs and humans: A match made in … brain structure?

Photo courtesy of: Garden State Hiker on Flickr Creative Commons

Dog owners can attest that communication is vital to a healthy relationship with their canine companions, but how? It seems that humans and dogs can communicate in a way that transgresses the language barrier between the two species (give it a try – watch this video and see if you can interpret the meanings behind the barks towards the end of the clip). Throughout history, dogs have developed alongside human society and presently, have become one of our most popular animal companions, but what is the scientific basis that drives the bond between humans and dogs?

Earlier research has demonstrated through eye-tracking technology that dogs’ communicative abilities with people are socially comparable to human infants. The experiment illustrated the dog’s capabilities in understanding our intentions to communicate with them through verbal cues and eye contact. Although this is interesting to prove through the technological advancement of eye-tracking, the conclusions are not groundbreaking to what we already know; dog owners can easily understand this through their daily interactions with their canine companions.

More recently, however, a study from the Cell Press Journal reveal the similarities in the physical regions of the brain responsible for processing social communication in humans and dogs through functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans. In this experiment, human participants and dogs were given the same auditory samples of human and dog vocalizations related to different emotions, and nonvocal sounds. The results from fMRI showed similarities in the triggered “voice areas” of the dog and human brains, although expectedly these areas were triggered more by the voices from their own species (i.e., humans responded more strongly to human voices, and dogs responded more strongly to dog vocalizations). Additionally, dogs and humans show similar brain responses to the emotional aspects behind the human and dog vocalizations, such as those associated with cries and whining.

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The video above summarises findings of the study that was performed, and even includes an interview with Atilla Andics, one of the leading scientists in this study.

These findings not only demonstrate that dogs can recognize human voices as communicative cues, but it also suggests that they are able to understand the emotions tied to the voices. From this study, we can also understand why humans are able to interpret a dog’s emotions and needs through its barks and vocalizations. This similarity in the locations and brain mechanisms related to processing of social information allows dogs and humans for mutual understanding. Given the fact that dogs and humans are both social creatures, it seems reasonable that these brains developed in such similar ways. Factor in the domestication of dogs going back over tens of thousands of years, and this special interspecies bond does not seem so difficult to understand anymore. Perhaps this serves as scientific evidence to those who argue whether or not a dog truly is Man’s best friend.

– Leslie Chiang

H5N1 Avian Influenza: Pending Pandemic?

On January 8, 2014, an Albertan resident died after contracting H5N1 avian influenza. This was the first H5N1 related death in North America. Federal and provincial health officials were quick to reassure the public that person-to-person transmission of H5N1 influenza is “extremely rare”. In fact, of the 386 H5N1-related deaths reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) since 2003, almost all involved close contact with birds. Sure enough, later reports suggested that the Albertan resident may have contracted the virus whilst passing through an illegal bird market in Beijing.

But could H5N1 be transmitted between humans? Researchers at the Erasmus Medical Center sought to answer this question and on June 22, 2012 they published a highly controversial paper detailing how they re-engineered the H5N1 virus so that it could be transmitted between humans.

Before we discuss this exciting study, we need to take a brief look at the structure and life cycle of the Influenza virus. There are 3 subtypes of the Influenza virus: Influenza A, B and C. H5N1 is an Influenza A virus and these viruses have 2 types of proteins on their surface: Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase. There are 18 known forms of Hemagglutinin and 11 known forms of Neuraminidase.  A  H5N1 virus has a type 5 Hemaggluttinin and a type 1 Neuraminidase on its surface.

Hemagglutinin is the protein responsible for viral cell entry. On the surface of the cells of our respiratory system are molecules called Sialic acid. Hemagglutinin on the surface of the virus binds to Sialic acid on the cell, triggering the cell to engulf the virus. Upon entry into the cell, the virus takes over and using an enzyme called a polymerase it makes many copies of itself. Eventually the cell bursts and the virus copies are released.

Influenza A virus: Courtesy of

In the experiment, the researchers made H5N1 virus particles that were transmissible between ferrets (often used as an animal model for human Influenza infection). The researchers began by introducing 3 substitution mutations that had been identified in other highly transmissible Influenza viruses. A substitution mutation is a type of mutation that exchanges one base for another in the nucleotide sequence of a gene. Mutations change the structure of the associated protein. In this case, the mutated virus’s had altered Hemagglutinin on their surface.

The mutated virus’s were then manually placed in the nose of ferrets. Following infection, the researchers swabbed the noses of the infected ferrets and proceeded to infect another group of ferrets. This process was repeated multiple times. By the 10th cycle the mutant H5N1 was airborne and was being transmitted between ferrets in different cages.

The genome (genetic material) of the mutant H5N1 was analyzed and it was found that a total of 5 mutations, 4 mutations in Hemagluttinin and 1 mutation in the polymerase, was necessary for the virus to become transmissible between humans.  Researchers at Cambridge University looked for the same mutations in naturally occurring H5N1 virus’s. They found that the mutations existed individually or in pairs, but never all together in one virus.

So, is a H5N1  pandemic eminent? This is still unknown, but researchers have taken important steps in better understanding the mechanism of transmission of H5N1 Influenza virus.

For a more detailed look at the lifecycle of  Influenza viruses, check out this video.

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Fardowsa Yusuf



Adderall: addicting and harmful

Adderall – usually need prescription to obtain

Students in universities are faced with intense competition to get into graduate programs so during exam season, caffeine might just not cut it for them.

The  attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Clinical Research Program at the University of Illinois at Chicago has shown that many students without ADHD are beginning to take Adderall to help them focus when studying for exams. Adderall is a prescribed drug used to treat ones with ADHD but have now become more accessible due to means like the internet and drug trafficers. By taking these drugs without knowing the damage it does to the body, more and more cases of deaths have resulted.

Taking Adderall for better focus when studying has become very common in post-secondary schools

Taking Adderall may seem beneficial to students to boost their GPA  or to learn class materials in a short period of time; however, what they might not know about the study drug is that it is also very harmful to their body after consumption.

This drug contains amphetamines, a substance that is used to fight fatigue. It drives up the level of dopamine and norepinephrine in the frontal cortex of the brain and is used help the brain in focus, functioning, and planning. More importantly, the same content is found in drugs like cocaine and crystal meth except with less concentration. Because of this, Adderall is considered do  have a high potential for abuse along with severe psychological or physical dependence, aka addiction.

Amphetamine is addictive because it affects the nervous system and this leads to a physical tolerance; therefore, users tend to require higher dosage over time in order to get the same focus and energy level.   Along with possible addiction, this prescribed drug also leads to restlessness, dizziness, headache, and anxiety are a few side effects that one can experience from prolonged use of Adderall or consuming one that has an increased level of amphetamine. More harmful effects of the drug are insomnia, hallucination, depression, and increase in blood pressure. The latter two are very detrimental to the body in the long run as it leads to heart failure, dementia, stroke, thoughts of suicide and death.

Now ask yourself this: Are you willing to risk your life with addiction and health problems for that A+ that you could have received if you simply time managed better and studied well in advance of your exam? Well, I hope your answer is no.

The following video explains the harmful aspects of taking Adderall:

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Work Cited:

Findling, R., Short, E., & Manos, M. (2001). Short-term cardiovascular effects of methylphenidate and adderall. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 40(5), 525-529. doi:10.1097/00004583-200105000-00011

McCabe, S., Knight, J., Teter, C., & Wechser, H. (2005). Non-medical use of prescription stimulants among US college students: Prevalence and correlates from a national survey. Addiction, 100(1), 96-106. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2004.00944.x


WE ARE THE EGG PEOPLE (Some brief notes on the evolution of live birth)

Here’s a strange thought: You, and all the people you know, were once microscopic bundles of cells, inside of another person’s body (in your case, your mother’s).  You may be all sorts of awesome now, but your life began extremely humbly – an elegant balance of symmetry, simplicity, and chaotic potential.  And it all started inside of an egg. You, like me, are an egg person. Deal with it.

Eggs are beautiful things. They are such an elegant solution to developing new life, that multiple taxa of animals have evolved to produce them, including fish, amphibians, birds, dinosaurs, reptiles and mammals.  For most fish and amphibians, the laying of eggs is the first step in the process of sexual reproduction.  The eggs are then fertilized by the male in water, where they remain until they develop and eventually hatch.

It’s a neat system, but not one that works very well for terrestrial (earth-living) animals like birds, reptiles and mammals. Developing embryos is a delicate business; they need to be kept moist, sheltered, at a relatively stable temperature, and with a steady supply of nutrients. These are all tall orders for any organism to maintain, let alone a defenseless embryo outside of water.

As it so happens, the safest place for many animals to grow their young is inside of their own bodies.

*          *          *

Humans, as I’m sure you know, don’t lay eggs.  Instead, we retain our eggs, fertilize, and develop them internally; the type of egg we make defines us as Amniotes, along with reptiles and birds.  Amniotic animals have more complex eggs then fish and amphibians, as they have specialized membranes that grow out of the embryo, and preform multiple functions, including providing the growing fetus with nutrients.

Birds grow their eggs internally for a short period of time, then lay them, and then incubate (keep them warm while they develop).  Inside, the  bird embryos are supplied with nutrients from a yolk sac, which supports them as they grow.  Gas exchange also occurs through the membranes and pores of the shell (yes, eggs breathe!).

While many reptiles lay eggs, there are several species of snakes and lizards that give live birth; some snakes even have placentas.  Placentas are something that also define placental mammals – a group to which humans belong.

In placental animals, the membranes of the amniotic egg develop into the placenta and umbilical cord.  Considered in this way, a placenta is essentially a modified egg, and has many analogous features that can be compared to reptile and bird eggs (a couple of which are illustrated below).  Instead of a yolk sac, human fetuses get their nutrients from their mother’s body via the placenta and umbilical cord.

The placenta acts as a bridge between the mother’s body and the growing child’s – allowing the transport of nutrients, but also acting as a barricade against the mother’s immune system (which will naturally want to treat the baby as a hostile “foreign” life-form inside the mother).

There is considerable evidence that live birth has evolved hundreds times, within a diverse spectrum of animal forms – it is certainly not unique to mammals.  The earliest evidence for live birth dates back 380 million years, to the ancient armored fishes the placoderms.

This tells us something interesting about the nature of live birth from an evolutionary perspective – that the difference between live birthing-mammals and egg-laying mammals is not cut and dry (as nothing ever is in evolutionary biology).  Rather, the two methods of developing young have dozens of crossovers and grey areas, and in a more fundamental way, they are really the same thing. For nature, the egg has never truly gone out of style.

Text and illustrations by Sam MacKinnon, 2014



Power, M. L., Schulkin, J., & Project Muse University Press eBooks. (2012). The evolution of the human placenta. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Porous Science: How Does a Developing Chick Breathe Inside Its Egg? 2012 Scientific American.  Retrieved on 02/24/2014 from:

Next time you drink too much, maybe you can blame your genes.

Figure 1. Drinking too much can cause alcohol dependence. (Courtesy Wikipedia commons)

Do you know that an average of 2.5 million people die from harmful use of alcohol every year?[1]  Alcohol dependence is a serious problem that can place burden on individuals and families, and even on the society. If you think that only ignorant people would allow themselves to drink excessively, you may want to think again.[2] Researchers are now suggesting that the trigger to alcohol dependence is likely due to genetic mutation.

Study led by Professor H. Thomas from Imperial College London compared two groups of mice – one group were normal, and the other group had two single base-pair point mutation in Gabrb1 gene. When the mice were given a choice between water and 10% ethanol, the latter group showed strong preference of alcohol by consuming it 85% of the time. This is equivalent to drinking one glass of wine a day! Alcohol dependence in these mice were so strong that many of them would drink sufficient alcohol to become intoxicated in an hour, and would continue to do so even after they were observed to be tipsy and had trouble moving.

Figure 2. Different types of point mutation. (Courtesy Wikipedia commons)

So why does this happen? Well, study showed that point mutation altered a series of mechanisms in the brain. To begin, Gabrb1 codes for beta1 subunit, which is an important component of GABAA receptor. Normally, GABAA receptor is activated only when GABA, a chemical messenger, is present. However, mutation to Gabrb1 causes GABAA receptor to be activated spontaneously, even when GABA is not present. These changes occur in nucleus accumbens, the brain region that controls pleasurable emotion and reward. Therefore, as more signals were sent out by GABAA receptor, mice would have increased craving for alcohol because their brains told them that alcohol consumption gave them pleasurable feelings. The study also showed not only did the mice enjoyed this feeling, they also wanted the feeling to last longer, and they did so by putting out extra physical effort, such as pushing lever for longer periods of time, in order to obtain more alcohol.

Figure 3. Location of nucleus accumbens in human brain. (Courtesy Wikipedia commons)

Professor Thomas’ study allowed researchers to gain better understanding of the mechanisms that monitor alcohol dependence in mice. Researchers believe similar mechanisms operate for humans, and are currently attempting to modify the mechanisms to human brain. GABA system is of particular interest because it controls human alcohol intake.  If similar processes are found to operate in humans, this would allow doctors to screen individuals that are likely to be at risk, and ensure that early treatment can be administered.

By Kelly Liu