I have two mommies and a daddy

You are probably now wondering if you read that title correctly. Well I assure you that you did. Science has yet again found a way to surprise us all by creating in vitro fertilized babies that have genetic material from two females and one male. The process is called ” three-parent in vitro fertilization” and it will be used as a technique to save the lives of millions of newborns.

By MartaFF (http://www.lainfertilidad.com) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

                 The main reason why scientists have even thought of creating such a method is due to defectuous mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that some women have. Since every embryo receives mitochondrial DNA only from the female parent, these women pass this DNA to their embryo. Thus, the fetus becomes vulnerable to many life-threatening diseases which can cause massive harm to vital organs such as the heart, liver, brain and central nervous system. Up till now the only fertility options for these women have been either adoption of a child or in vitro fertilization with an egg donor.

By Martin Strachoň / Wikimedia Commons.(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Imagine what could happen if scientists can remove this faulty mitochondrial DNA and replace it with a healthy kind. The child would live! This is exactly what three-parent in vitro fertilization does. This mini transplantation process involves taking the nucleus of the mother’s egg and putting it in a female donor’s egg cell that contains healthy mitochondria. Then this egg cell is fertilized with the father’s sperm. Although the embryo does contain donor DNA apart from parent DNA, the phenotype of the embryo does not change. This method allows the baby to be healthy and live a normal life. It also gives parents the chance to have their own child who is genetically related to them.

By MyName (Imperfect chaosimperfect_chaos) (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0) or GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)], via Wikimedia Commons

                Unfortunately there are ethical issues which are delaying the incorporation of this technique in fertility laboratories. Many people debate that transplanting mitochondrial DNA into an egg can also lead the way to other possible genetic modifications that parents want to make to “improve” their children such as higher IQ, a certain type of eye color etc. This argument fails to make a strong point as to why the three-parent in vitro fertilization should not happen considering that it could save many fetus lives.

All in all, scientific discoveries have enabled a way for mitochondrial diseased fetuses to live and grow into healthy babies. Check out this short video which sums up the way the procedure is performed and the benefits of this method.

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Credit: NMANewsDirect

By Doris Stratoberdha


Peanut allergy

Image courtesy of: flicker.com

There are different types of food or substances that create allergies in humans. One of the most common allergies is peanut allergy.                                                                                                                   

According to MedicineNet.com, peanut allergy is the allergy which is common among adults and kids, but it usually occurs in children under 3 years old. This kind of the allergy has 80-90% of symptoms are related to skin, for example, skin rash and itching ;despite of that it has some severe symptoms; it affects the respiratory system, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular system; therefore, it might be fatal.

In order for doctors to diagnose patients with peanut allergy, there is a test called skin prick test (SPT). However, if the result is positive, it does not mean that you have peanut allergy and doctors need to take a blood test (peanut specific lgE levels) to make sure that it is peanut allergy.

Good news is that recently, scientists find a cure for this allergy that might save people’s life. In this study, scientists achieve that probiotic treatments will have a positive effect on people who diagnosed with peanut allergy and in the most cases it will protect people from having this allergy reactions.

 Same study shows that probiotics and peanut allergies have negative correlation. Probiotic is a type of bacteria that is beneficial for our health. It will make our immune system strong and has positive effect on our gastrointestinal system and therefore, probiotic treatment is most likely to prevent people from food allergies and more specifically peanut allergies.

watch the following video to find out the details about the effects of probiotic on the peanut allergy.YouTube Preview Image

source:One Post youtube channel

To conclude, if you have already diagnosed with peanut allergy or your kid has this kind of allergy ,instead of being worried about the reactions of your kids to peanuts put probiotics in their daily diet; by using probiotics not only you will save them from fatal reactions to peanuts but also you will make their immune system stronger and therefore, more protective to other diseases. 

Sogand Goharpey

Why Stop at Just Organs?! The Human Head Transplant Project

Sergio Canavero, an Italian surgeon and neuroscientist, has proposed that his team will be ready to transplant the head of a 30 year-old man with muscular dystrophy onto another body by 2017. Sergio intends to use this process to better the lives of only those who have no other option left (such as those with muscular dystrophy), and has no intention of using this method for cosmetic purposes.


Source: Redorbit.com

Helen Thompson from New Scientist summarized the process: the body would first be cooled down to help the cells live longer without oxygen and then the head would be severed. After connecting the major blood vessels, the new head would be fused to the spinal cord of the other body; a solution containing polyethylene glycol would be used which would help mesh the two parts together. A coma would be induced for about a month to allow the cell growth to continue undisturbed, and electrodes would be implanted to help stimulate nerve growth. Anti-rejection drugs would also be given to ensure a successful transplant.

Canavero has asked the help of Ren Xiaoping, a surgeon from China who has already done roughly 1000 head transplants on mice. Although the mice did not survive for more than a few minutes, Xiaoping will soon be moving on to operating on primates and told The Wall Street Journal that he hopes they will live “for at least a little while”.



Above: Dr. Ren Xiaoping (left), and Dr. Sergio Canavero (right).

Source: images.china.cn

Personally, I think all of this is nuts. I understand the benefit to those receiving the transplant that truly are in need of it however I cannot accept that as justification for the implications of such a procedure.

First off, there is no guarantee that this procedure will work. However assuming the operation proceeds without major complications, what is there to stop this from eventually being performed for cosmetic purposes? Of course there are regulations in place that would not allow bodies to be donated for solely cosmetic purposes, but what is there stopping the black market from simply creating a new niche for head transplants?

Another point to consider is if the donation of an entire body for the benefit of one individual is fair. The wait time for transplants for different organs varies from five years for a kidney to four months for a heart. One organ donor can help provide life for up to eight people and help improve the lives of another 50 people! Is it really fair to use the entire body for the benefit of one person versus potentially benefiting up to 58 people?

Personally, I don’t believe I would agree with the body of  a deceased family member or friend being used for a head transplant. At the same time however, if a friend or family member was in a position where a head transplant might benefit them, I might be forced to reconsider.

Below is a news clip from RT covering the topic:

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Let me know where you guys stand on this issue, in the comments below!

The Sixth Extinction Will Be Caused by Humans

In the past, there have been five mass extinctions which were due to various reasons. None of those reasons were due to the effects from any one species. However, there is no doubt that humans will have a role in the sixth extinction. In fact, it wouldn’t be an understatement to say that the sixth extinction is already in progress and humans are the ones to blame. Many scientists agree that a biodiversity crisis is already underway.

The video below gives a nice summary of the past mass extinctions and what the sixth extinction will be like.

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Credit: It’s Okay To Be Smart

Humans over-consume, pollute the environment, and destroy habitats. The list of human activities which negatively affect other species seems endless. What evidence is there that these human activities are to blame for the current crisis? Well, there is a lot of evidence.

Millions of years ago, before humans existed, there was about 0.1 extinctions per million species per year. Compare that with the current rate of extinction which is about 1000 times higher at 100 to 1,000 species lost per million per year. Since there are 8.7 million known species, about 870 to 8,700 species are lost worldwide per year at the current extinction rate. Unfortunately, there are still many species not recognized so those numbers should be higher.

The habitat destruction caused by humans is a major contributor to species extinction. For example, oil spills are relatively common and can have devastating effects. The year 2015 hasn’t even ended and there have already been four oil spills this year. In the year 2014, there were six oil spills contributing a total of about 5000 tonnes of oil. If you think that number is big, you won’t believe the amount of oil spilled from the BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig in 2010. An estimated 205.8 million gallons of oil was spilled in the Gulf of Mexico. Among the thousands of animals killed, endangered species such as bluefin tuna were also affected by the oil spill. From this single disaster, the population of species indigenous to the Gulf of Mexico plummeted enough that it would take generations for them to recover.

Even from space, you can clearly see the oil as white and gray streaks.

Even from space, you can clearly see the oil as white and gray streaks. Credit: NASA

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Credit: MSNBC

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Credit: William R. Parrott

So the situation of other species seems pretty dire but that doesn’t mean it’s too late for people to try preventing the sixth mass extinction from occurring. If humans can cause extinctions then why not also stop extinctions? Nonetheless, you might still want to plan a trip to the zoo. Who knows which animal will disappear next?

Don't deny it!

Don’t deny it! Credit: Mimi and Eunice

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Credit: SourceFed


-Bowen Zhao