Author Archives: NelsonBulaun

Maybe my mom was right…

Ragged, calloused fingers danced across the damp ivory keys of the slightly out-of-tune instrument. A nocturne echoed, howling across the room, as the fear of failure kept his teary eyes glued upon the page. A metaphorical chain shackling him to the traditional device of torture twisted deep into the flesh of his aching wrists. A slave to the music. Broken, tired, and hungry. Those dark and terrible years would haunt him for the rest of his life.

As soon as I could walk, I was forced to play the piano. The daunting task of rehearsing the same piece for hours enraged my heart as a child, and when I asked my mom “why?” she always replied with “you’ll appreciate it when you’re older.” After 14 years of slaving away on that wretched instrument, along with having symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, I realized, maybe she was right. I was privileged to have an opportunity that she hadn’t had when she grew up and it allowed me to appreciate music further as well as learn other instruments with ease. But beyond this, I questioned, “in what other ways did I benefit from playing an instrument?” As a kid, I remember overhearing how playing piano had some correlation between being better at math, and although this seemed crazy, it led me to ponder the effects that playing instruments had on the brain.


Piano Keys By Elliot Billings 

How does playing an instrument affect the brain?

Today, the study of the brain is conducted by monitoring participants as they complete tasks such as reading or mathematical equations. Neuroscientists have found, that in doing such specific areas of the brain were activated. When monitoring the activation as participants listened to music, they found multiple areas across the brain firing all at once which differed from other activities.  Moreover, when playing a musical instrument nearly the entire brain was stimulated.

How does this transfer over to things outside of music?

Just as working out makes a person stronger, practicing an instrument is found to strengthen the brain functions used. For example, since studies show that there are common mechanisms used when playing an instrument and reading, it can be said that music can be used to promote child literacy. Similar suggestions from other studies can also be said for playing an instrument with linguistics and mathematics. These benefits, even when done as a child, were retained all the way into adulthood.  Furthermore, the act of playing an instrument utilizes both sides of the brain. In doing so, musicians are found to have increased volume and activity in the brain’s corpus callosum, which is what links the two sides together. This means that the brain has an easier time sending messages from one side to another, which could be beneficial as each side focuses on different processes. The TED-ED video below goes into further detail on the topic. 

The Corpus Callosum by Henry Vandyke Carter

So, in the unfortunate case that I end up with a child, I’ll probably get them to learn an instrument at a young age, and if they ask why, I’ll tell them “You’ll appreciate it when you’re older.”

-Nelson Bulaun




No Snow On Date Night

A speck of white twinkled as it fell across the night sky, silent as it danced in the cold wind. She smiled in willful ignorance, praying what she had seen was impossible. Her head tilted, shoulders twitching in anxiety, hoping the one across from her had not noticed. Meanwhile, he felt the itch too, terrified as he glanced at the light fluff drifting onto the table before returning an anxious gaze. The winter was cold, snow was inevitable, but alas… no snow was forecasted for the next week. This is the tragedy of two consenting more than friends trying to figure it out, and their mutual but private battle with an affliction affecting 50 percent of all humans. This is dandruff.

What is Dandruff

Although these white flakes are most noticeable in your hair and on your clothes, dandruff isn’t really a hair condition but is actually due to your scalp. Naturally, your body produces skin cells constantly, and as they travel to the surface of the skin, the epidermis, the old cells fall off. For most, these cells are too small to be noticeable, but for others, when these cells clump together they can be rather large. These larger clumps of dead skin cells are commonly referred to as dandruff.

A woman struggling with dandruff @artem_goncharov

What Causes Dandruff

Dandruff affects about 50% of the population and the exact cause of it is actually unknown. Although, in recent studies, the yeast, Malassezia, is found to play a role in producing dandruff. When reducing the population of Malassezia in the scalp, amounts of flakes have been found to improve. But what is Malassezia and what does it do? Malassezia is a fungus that lives on the scalp where it, unfortunately, happens to be an ideal environment for it to survive. Here it releases enzymes that metabolize fat molecules, this produces oleic acids that are found to irritate the scalp. As a defense mechanism, your scalp can increase the rate it produces skin cells, sometimes causing a months worth of skin cells to appear on the surface in time frames as short as seven days.

Treatments for Dandruff

Many shampoos advertise being good treatments for dandruff but the ideal shampoo should contain anti-fungal or anti-yeast ingredients. A few common examples, found in Selsun and many other anti-dandruff shampoos, are zinc pyrithione and selenium sulfide which have the property of slowing down the growth of yeasts. When used in shampoo’s these ingredients are found to aid in reducing the increased production of skin cells by slowing down the metabolism of Malassezia for people that are dandruff-prone. 

The video, “Dandruff | How To Get Rid Of Dandruff (2018)” by AbrahamThePharmacist, below basically sums up everything I’ve gone over with the exception of stating that Malassezia is the main cause of shampoo as literature states that there is limited research stating such. 



Although we don’t have either confident cause or a concrete solution to dandruff, in using shampoos with anti-fungal ingredients this embarrassing condition can be minimized.

-Nelson Bulaun