Tag Archives: brain

Do you know someone with Alzheimer’s? 

Chances are you answered yes because Alzheimer’s is currently the sixth largest cause of death in the United States, and it continues to rise. Between 2000-2017, Alzheimer’s has increased by 145% and now affects about 5.8 million people in USA. Alzheimer’s is a degenerative brain disease that has no cure. It often starts with loss of memory and can lead to loss of communication and even death. Such individuals can require specialized care in later stages, which can put pressure on medical systems and family. Most people see symptoms after their 65thbirthday. It is generally accepted that amyloid plaques (protein fragments that get stuck in the brain) are somehow linked to Alzheimer’s, but the exact relationship is not known. A recent study from MIT suggests brain waves could be used to get rid of such plaques and help improve memory.

Gamma Way Treatments May Be Key to Fighting Alzheimer’s

Researchers at MIT, led by senior author Li-Huei Tsai, exposed a group of mice to gamma brain waves and stimulating sounds. The brain is made up of many types of neurons, which are specialized cells, that must communicate with each other. They do this through electrical signals, and if these signals cycle about 25-80 times per second they are labelled as gamma waves. Gamma waves are thought to play an important role in memory and cognition and previous research has shown they may play a role in reducing brain amyloids.

Courtesy: Pexels | Photo Credit: Pixabay | A researcher peers into a microscope.

The MIT researchers had previously performed similar experiments with only audio or only gamma ray stimulation. Both of these experiments had shown positive results for mice memory. The mice were better able to navigate mazes and identify objects. The decided to build on those previous projects by subjecting the mice to both types of treatments. The results were resoundingly positive and resulted in a “… very dramatic reduction of amyloid,” explained Dr. Tsai. Mice were once again better able to remember and navigate mazes and recognize objects. However, even though initial results are promising, more research needs to be done to determine whether this treatment is safe and effective for humans. Also, the mice stopped showing improvement if the treatments were stopped for a week, meaning treatment may have to be recurring to provide any benefit.

Caring for Those with Alzheimer’s Is Not Easy

Courtesy: Pexels | Photo Credit: Matthias Zomer | People with Alzheimer’s need specialized care and support.

Caring for people with Alzheimer’s is no small task. Not only does it require immense resources and specialized care, but it can also weigh on family members and caregivers. In 2018 alone, $277 billion US dollars were spent on Alzheimer’s care, and this number is expected to grow as the population ages. Currently, a number for prescription drugs exist to slow down the disease in its early stages but there is no definite treatment. This research could lead the way for one of the first treatments that could actually reverse the effects of this disease. About 95% of Alzheimer’s affects those above 65, which means younger generations may still be able to reap the rewards of continued research in this field.

-Sukhman Bhuller

Do humans have superpowers? -Magnetoreception

What if you had a superpower? What would you want it to be? The ability to fly? Superhuman strength? Well, what if the ability was to tell which direction the sun would rise from without actually seeing the rise, or just finding your way back to camp when you get lost in the woods? Researchers from Caltech and the University of Tokyo have found evidence that humans can subconsciously detect changes in the Earth’s magnetic fields.

Although this study only suggests that the effects of changes in magnetic fields are detectable by our subconscious brain, they feel that this could open up the window for new research. Prof. Shinsuke Shimo, in a YouTube video with science communicator Derek Muller says, “This is just the first step to make sure that it’s not theoretically impossible that our ancestors might have utilized this ability for their navigation.”


Derek Muller from Veritasium takes the test of magnetoreception

The ability of an organism to detect magnetic fields to identify directions, altitude or location is known as Magnetoreception. Have you ever wondered how pigeons are always able to find their way home? Or how birds know which direction is south when they migrate? Evidence of magnetoreception has even been found in dogs that will usually sit in North-South direction while they poop.

Prof. Shimo also believes that this ability may potentially reside in modern humans. Not so long ago, Prof. Joseph Kirschvink of Caltech claimed that he had discovered magnetoreception in humans. A few years later, Kirschvink, along with Shimo and co have found evidence suggesting humans may potentially posses a superpower.

It is important to remember that as of this moment, humans are only capable to detecting changes in magnetic fields subconsciously in a state with no distractions from the surroundings. However, if we were able to study and bring this ability to the consciousness, we would not only be gaining a superpower but also making inroads into bringing other parts of subconsciousness into consciousness.

If you wish to learn more about magnetoreception, you can watch this short video by Science Magazine.




Can Video Games Help You Learn?

Canada currently has the third largest video game industry in the world. As a leader in the industry, it comes to no surprise that over 19 million Canadians identify as gamers. In doing so, as the societal interest in video games increases, so does the interest to research the effects of gaming, especially on students.

Child playing Fortnite. Image from Alex Haney, Unsplash

What does past research show?

Past research has shown that gaming by young people can lead them to develop a variety of detrimental behaviours. Children who played violent games had a higher likelihood of being more antisocial, more aggressive, and less empathetic than their non-gaming peers. Other studies have shown that excessive gaming can have a similar effect on a child’s brain as drugs and alcohol. This effect would lead to poor school performance and a higher likelihood of developing other addictions later in life. These results highlight the issues behind unhealthy gaming behaviour that goes beyond the limits of a hobby. While these results are very important to consider, there may be some benefits to gaming.

Is there any current research on gaming?

A recent study done by Ruhr-Universität Bochum compared the learning of gamers and non-gamers. Of the 34 participants, 17 volunteers did not play games regularly, and the other 17 played for 15+ hours a week. Both groups completed a weather prediction task while being recorded by an MRI.

In the task, participants were shown a combination of cue cards with varying symbols. Based on the cards shown, they had to guess whether that particular combination predicted sun or rain. With each guess, participants were given feedback on whether they were correct or not. This feedback would lead to learning of the combinations by all participants, but at varying rates.

Diagram of the brain showing the hippocampus, amygdala and cerebellum. Image from picturesboss.com

What are the effects of gaming on learning?

The results showed that gamers were significantly better at learning the card combinations with a faster learning curve and more correct answers. While the non-gamers did show learning, they were much slower in comparison. Also, the MRI scans showed that gamers had a stronger activation response in the hippocampus and surrounding regions of the brain. All of which are associated with learning and memory.

Based on these results, researchers were able to conclude that gaming helped individuals in probability-based tasks, which are activities that requires individuals to learn rules as they go. Gamers displayed a heightened ability to analyze and adapt to a new situation. This adaptation showed that players had a much better categorization performance, where they are able to generate and classify new information quickly. Thus illustrating that video games helped enhance learning performance rather than deter it.

While excessive gaming can have detrimental effects, there also are some beneficial factors. Video games, when done in moderation, allows individuals to learn more rapidly by training their hippocampus to be quick and effective. Video games create a challenging environment that pushes players to problem-solve and think creatively to achieve their goals. Looking ahead, researchers believe that further studies can be done to see whether games can help older people reduce the effects of memory loss.

– Arrthy Thayaparan

How Does Sugar Affect Your Brain?

When people are stressed, they often find themselves craving sugar, sweets or chocolate. Despite the fact that they can temporarily give some pleasure, they’re highly addictive and the overconsumption of sugar has many brain-related health consequences.

Sweets. Image from Pexels

Sugar Is Addictive

When sugar is consumed, it activates the tongue’s taste receptors. Then, signals are sent to the prefrontal cortex of the brain which stimulates the reward pathways and causes the release of dopamine, a natural chemical that makes us feel good.

The nucleus accumbeans is a part of the brain that receives dopamine and gives you a sense of pleasure.  Activating the brain’s reward system is associated with it and activating it with an appropriate amount of sugar is harmless. However, when it’s activated too frequently, the signal from sugar consumption becomes weaker and it grows the tolerance to sugar. Then, people need to consume more in order to feel the same pleasure, causing addiction.

The rewarding system that sugar gives is very similar to what keeps alcoholics and drug addicts to stay addicted. According to a study, there is a high degree of overlap between brain regions involved in processing natural rewards, such as sugar, and drugs. This is why it’s hard for people to control the consumption of sugar after constant exposure, and creates a dangerous cycle of excessive cravings.

Prefrontal cortex and Nucleus accumbens. Image from Public Domain Files

Brain-Related Health Problems

Besides addiction, sugar has many other negative effects on the brain. For example, sugar affects the overeating sensor, lowering our ability to feel a sense of fullness. When sugar is consumed constantly, the brain’s anorexigenic oxytocin system that senses and prevents overeating becomes less sensitive and does not release hormones that signal the body that we are full. Thus, people are likely to continue eating even after they’ve had enough which then could contribute to obesity and diabetes. 

Furthermore, sugar affects memory and learning skills by lowering the amount of the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) factor. BDNF is what helps the brain with learning and forming new memories. Therefore, when BDNF is low, the ability to learn new things and our memory reduce. According to a study, researchers found out that a diet in high amount of sugar hinders learning and memory by literally slowing down the brain. The rats who over-consumed fructose (a form of sugar) ended up with impaired communication among brain cells.

Not All Sugars Is Bad

Although sugar has many negative effects on the brain, it is true that not all sugars is bad. Glucose, a form of sugar from carbohydrates like bread, fuels the cells throughout the body and is the primary source of energy for the brain. Thus, in order to manage your sugar intake, it’s important to avoid the consumption of fructose from processed foods and know that you only need a small amount of sugar per day as the World Health Organization recommends only 5% of daily caloric intake from sugar.

-Janet Lee

New Wireless Pacemaker Offers Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease

In Canada, over 10,000 people currently live with Parkinson’s disease with an additional 6,600 new cases being diagnosed every year. The disease is caused by a loss of dopamine producing nerve cells. Without dopamine, the nerves are unable to control body movements efficiently. As Parkinson’s advances, movements such as walking and talking become heavily affected. Due to the complexity of this disease, the reason behind the nerve damage is very difficult to determine. Thus, researchers are focusing on ways to alleviate patients’ difficulty in movement. Most recently, UC Berkeley scientists have discovered a new neurostimulator, WAND, that could change the course of neurological disorder treatment, especially Parkinson’s.

What is a neurostimulator?

The most effective method of Parkinson’s treatment is the implantation of a neurostimulator device to the brain. This is very similar to a cardiac pacemaker, since it is able to maintain appropriate circuits in the brain. The dysfunctional areas of the brain are targeted by electrical signals that block any irregular brain waves.

What is Deep Brain Stimulation?

The most used neurostimulator is the deep brain stimulation (DBS) device. As seen in the video below, the DBS electrode is implanted near target areas, with wires passing under the skin down to the shoulders and connected to the neurostimulator in the chest. The patient after recovery is provided with a remote or magnet that allows for the stimulator to be turned on and off at home. While this treatment has been seen to be mostly effective, the surgery process and control of the device can be very strenuous, especially considering the advanced age of most Parkinson’s patients. Therefore, UC Berkeley researchers have developed a new neurostimulator, called WAND, that is smaller and much more advanced in capabilities.

Video of How Deep Brain Stimulation Works. Courtesy of The Wall Street Journal

What is WAND?

WAND or wireless artifact-free neuromodulation device, contains wireless and autonomous capabilities. This means that the device once trained to recognize signs of tremors or seizures, is able to adjust the stimulation parameters and apply electrical signals on its own. WAND is also able to record brain wave activity while applying the treatment. These recordings would allow doctors to see how the patient is reacting during and after the treatment. This is a large advancement from the typical DBS treatments which either stop recording or record away from the target region.

Newly Developed WAND Device. Source: Rikky Muller, UC Berkeley

Has WAND been tested?

To test its effectivity, researchers applied the device in a study that taught subjects to use a joystick to move a cursor. WAND was able to detect the neural signatures that preceded the joystick motion, and delay it by applying electrical stimulation. Thus, showing that the closed-loop system and neurological recordings worked more effectively in a demonstration done by previous DBS devices.

In all, WAND is a brilliant new technology that is cost-effective, time-effective, and saves patient’s the worry of having to apply their own electrical stimulations. The device is able to treat and record simultaneously, which builds an up-to-date record of treatment. While there is still much research needed to look at potential side effects, this technology gives hopes to Parkinson’s patients of returning to their former, healthy selves.

          Arrthy Thayaparan

New Wireless Pacemaker Offers Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease

In Canada, over 10,000 people are currently living with Parkinson’s disease with an additional 6,600 new cases being diagnosed every year. The disease is caused by a loss of dopamine producing nerve cells. Without this vital neurotransmitter the nerves are unable to control body movements efficiently. As Parkinson’s advances, movements such as walking and talking become heavily affected. Due to the complexity of this disease, the reason behind the nerve damage is very difficult to determine. Thus, researchers are focusing on ways to alleviate patients’ difficulty in movement. Most recently, UC Berkeley scientists have discovered a new neurostimulator, WAND, that could change the course of neurological disorder treatment, especially Parkinson’s.

The most effective method of Parkinson’s treatment is the implantation of a neurostimulator device to the brain. This is very similar to a cardiac pacemaker; in which it is able to maintain appropriate circuits in the brain. The dysfunctional areas of the brain are targeted by electrical signals that block any irregular brain waves.

The most used neurostimulator is the deep brain stimulation (DBS) device. As seen in the video below, the DBS electrode is implanted near target areas, with wires passing under the skin down to the shoulders and connected to the neurostimulator in the chest. The patient after recovery is provided with a remote or magnet that allows for the stimulator to be turned on and off at home. While this treatment has been seen to be mostly effective, the surgery process and control of the device can be very strenuous, especially considering the advanced age of most Parkinson’s patients. Therefore, UC Berkeley researchers have developed a new neurostimulator, called WAND, that is smaller and much more advanced in capabilities.

WAND or wireless artifact-free neuromodulation device, contains wireless and autonomous capabilities. This means that the device once trained to recognize signs of tremors or seizures, is able to adjust the stimulation parameters and apply electrical signals on its own. WAND is also able to record brain wave activity while applying the treatment. These recordings would allow doctors to see how the patient is reacting during and after the treatment. This is a large advancement from the typical DBS treatments which either stop recording or record away from the target region.

Newly Developed WAND Device. Source: Rikky Muller, UC Berkeley

To test its effectivity, researchers applied the device in a study that taught subjects to use a joystick to move a cursor. WAND was able to detect the neural signatures that preceded the joystick motion, and delay it by applying electrical stimulation. Thus, showing that the closed-loop system and neurological recordings worked more effectively in a demonstration done by previous DBS devices.

In all, WAND is a brilliant new technology that is cost-effective, time-effective, and saves patient’s the worry of having to apply their own electrical stimulations. The device is able to treat and record simultaneously, which builds an up-to-date record of treatment. While there is still much research needed to look at potential side effects, this technology gives hopes to Parkinson’s patients of returning to their former, healthy selves.

          Arrthy Thayaparan