Handouts and Notes for 2017/01/16

We’ll finish talking about the resident/hospital matching problem and start talking about asymptotic analysis!

We’ll review and play with asymptotic analysis. These notes will have a different feel, as we’re not solving an algorithmic problem but performing analysis on algorithms (or, in some cases, performing bits and pieces of that analysis). That said, they’re in service, as always, of solving algorithmic problems!

A few notes:

  • Here are today’s notes on asymptotic analysis.
  • Here is a handout describing little-o and little-ω notation.
  • Read Section 3.1 of the textbook introducing graphs. (But, no pre-class quiz for Wednesday. However, the following pre-class quiz has been sent out already, if you want to get a start on it.)
  • The add/drop deadline is Tue 17 Jan. (We’d love to have you stay, but if you intend to drop, don’t miss the deadline!)
  • As of ~1PM on Saturday, today’s pre-class quiz was going well. The only question that was below a 70% correct rate was whether lg n is in the class of polynomial functions (in particular, the set of “efficient algorithms” or “efficiently solvable problems”).

Handouts and Notes for 2017/01/13

It’s Friday the 13th, and we’re studying reductions!! (Boo.)

Right, um.. on to regular business.

We’ll continue working on the resident-hospital matching problem.

A few notes:

  • Read Chapter 2 of the textbook for Monday. Most of this should be review! Sections 2.3 and 2.4 are especially valuable for applied review of asymptotic analysis. This is what you should be good at to be awesome computer scientists.
  • Finish the pre-class quiz due Sunday at 10PM. You may find that you can answer most questions without having to read the chapter. Please do at least skim the chapter anyway!
  • Work on your assignment! It’s due in a week (20 Jan at 10PM).
  • Register for a tutorial if you haven’t already.
  • Go to tutorial! Next week, the format is up to your TAs. They are thinking about reviewing critical topics and working on assignment and assignment-like problems.
  • Here’s a sample solution to our reduction notes.

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