Sep 15 2010
Etec 511
The Benefits of ePortfolios
As I prepare for my exchange in AU this winter, I’ve been looking over the course content and requirements of an applied learning program called Business Office Administration. The course is mostly loaded on Moodle at this point (a school requirement) and I am trying to build some interactivity into it. I started yesterday with a simple quiz.
One of the assessment requirements is what I would define as a portfolio – a folder with examples of completed assignments. I’ve asked if this portfolio could be in electronic format. For now, I was told to bring this up at the committee meeting in Feb. So armed with this document, I will be glad to expound on the benefits of ePortfolios. I have no idea what to expect in terms of different teaching methods in another country. However, I am lead to believe that this college will be open to adding more electronic content into their courses. So I’ll give it a try. I can certainly use some of my many blogs as prime examples to further my case.
Tooning ET
Here is the link to my toon for Etec 511. The inspiration is my son’s visit this weekend. He’s just started college and seems to have all the trappings of a typical student including all the electronic gadgets the digital generation is known for. However, he can’t seem to log in to his online course without the help of his tech savvy mother. Unfortunately, I live in a different province now, so he’ll actually have to find the tech guys in the school to get him some answers. Nice to know these youngsters don’t know everything. (Of course, my husband and I couldn’t figure out how to get the tv back onto cable after my son used the dvd player. Turns out we just had to change the channel back to 3. Sheesh!)
Here’s the link: