As I prepare for my exchange in AU this winter, I’ve been looking over the course content and requirements of an applied learning program called Business Office Administration. The course is mostly loaded on Moodle at this point (a school requirement) and I am trying to build some interactivity into it. I started yesterday with a simple quiz.
One of the assessment requirements is what I would define as a portfolio – a folder with examples of completed assignments. I’ve asked if this portfolio could be in electronic format. For now, I was told to bring this up at the committee meeting in Feb. So armed with this document, I will be glad to expound on the benefits of ePortfolios. I have no idea what to expect in terms of different teaching methods in another country. However, I am lead to believe that this college will be open to adding more electronic content into their courses. So I’ll give it a try. I can certainly use some of my many blogs as prime examples to further my case.
Today, I begin using this blog again. I am now enrolled in Etec 511 and 512 as I complete my journey towards my MET certificate. I am on leave of absence from work until Feb, when I begin a one year teaching exchange in Australia.
In an effort to make my coursework more accessible, I have organized the blog under the headings of the 3 courses I took that required blogging. And hopefully, this eportfolio will be used in future endeavours. I am happy to report that my training in Moodle will already pay off while I work in Australia. I am hoping to not only exchange positions, but to help my exchange partner improve upon the course structure she has created for her vocational Business Administration course. I am not sure what I will be teaching in Australia at this time, but I can only hope that it will be some of the courses I am specialized in such as Business and Accounting.
I started the Moodle toolkit assignment last night. Actually, I logged into the Moodle site and created a course. Then this morning, I read the actual instructions (I had forgotten about the Moodle toolkit) and realized I hadn’t named my course properly. A little searching later, I managed to make the necessary changes.
I did the rest of the assignment, created a welcome page and a discussion forum. I even added a reply.
So far, I can contrast Moodle to Blackboard in that it has a lot more icons than Blackboard did when I was using it about 8 yrs ago. The WYSIWYG editor is more sophisticated by far. I don’t think Blackboard really had an editor. If we wanted coloured text, we had to create it in MSWord and copy and paste it into Blackboard.
Moodle has a complicated display page so far. Maybe once I’ve had a chance to create more content, it will start to look familiar. I like simplicity and an appearance that is intuitive. I want to explore how to insert slide shows, images and include a wiki next. So far, it took less than an hour to follow the assignment as described.