
A03 – Freya Savage

Multi-sensory analysis
Human made ecosystem analysis – layers of ecosystem cultivated to create a multi sensorial garden experience
Nitobe Garden site sketches
Nitobe Garden – human made 
Multi-sensory analysis
Natural riparian zone – layers of naturalized ecosystem creating important salmon spawning habitat filled with biodiversity 
Spanish Banks site sketches – the natural and the human made
Spanish Banks

A3 – Arevik Petrosyan

While walking on the beach, I couldn’t help but notice I was becoming exhausted very quickly. It is more difficult to keep stability on deep sand than it is on solid ground, and requires more energy as well. You have to lift your foot vertically out of the sand as well which requires knee bending that many people may not be capable of doing comfortably or without pain.

Farther from the beach, on the sidewalk adjacent to the road, I saw someone using a walking cane and realized that it must be pretty difficult to use a cane on a sandy beach. The lack of a solid surface to plant the cane on for stability seems like it would clearly pose some issues. It is unfortunate that there aren’t many solid walking paths within the sandy area. However, I think it might be possible to adapt the traditional walking cane to be better built for sandy terrain.

The issue might be addressed by creating a larger surface area that would come in contact with the ground. I modeled the new cane after ski poles – for deep powder you typically want to use a similar style basket a the tips of your ski poles, the increased surface area helps with stability so your poles can compact the snow instead of sinking.


Assignment 3 – Cynthia San

Cooling + Shade

Nitobe Garden

The water features are central to the site and situated between the green landscapes. These conditions of the large tree canopies and pools of water creates a very cool and crisp environment on humid days for humans and animals.

Spanish Banks

In contrast, the body of water is separated from the green landscape by the beach. The majority of trees on this site are situated along the road and at a higher elevation, casting constant shadows throughout the day onto the road below. While the beach itself gets quite hot, there is a constant breeze as I near the water.


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