A6 – Kate Bonnell, Bella Gigone, Kaitlin Manuelpillai, Felix Jäger



Roehr, D., & Fassman‐Beck, E. (2015). Living roofs in integrated urban water systems. In Routledge eBooks. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315726472

Shahmohammad, M., Hosseinzadeh, M., Dvorak, B., Bordbar, F., Shahmohammadmirab, H., & Aghamohammadi, N. (2022). Sustainable green roofs: a comprehensive review of influential factors. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(52), 78228–78254. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-23405-x


Assignment 1 – Kaitlin Manuelpillai

This assignment focuses on Hikkaduwa, a beach town in my home country Sri Lanka. The small town is full of vibrant people, environments, music and ruled by the power of the ocean that surrounds it. Days here are spent swimming in the water, surfing, drinking coconuts and exploring the local environment. Focusing on the element of sound in my site plan – the loud, calming sounds of waves crashing on the beach are constant, while the cacophony from ongoing traffic of tuk-tuks and buses pose an interesting juxtaposition from the tranquil ocean.


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