Monthly Archives: October 2015

601 Graduate Symposium, Wed Oct 28, 1:00


Wednesday, October 28, 2015
1:00-4:00         Scarfe 1214

Gender Education through Health, Science, and Environmental Education Lenses

Mashael Alharbi, Angela R. Katabaro & David Strich

1:00pm Welcome everyone, Introduction
1:05 Video: My journey to start a school for girls in Kenya: Kakenya Ntaiya at TEDxMidAtlantic 2012
1:15 Presentation by Andrea Burk & Kate MacLeod (Looking Glass Foundation) (guest speakers), Q&A
1.45 Presentation by Hartley Banack (guest speaker) on research experience, Q&A
2:00 Break
2:15 Presentation by Kerry Renwick and Sandra Scott (guest speakers) on Health, Science and Environment Education, Q&A
2:45 Presentation on STEM by Samson Nashon (guest speaker), Q&A
3:15 Small group discussion– Respond to a quote from: -the reading/ websites / video / speakers -Sharing
3:35 Large group analysis: [1 min each] -Experience with the speakers -the introductory video -other experiences to share -how does this topic apply to YOUR research / interests?
3:55 Wrap-up and housekeeping for the class for the upcoming week(s)
4:00pm End of class

Graduate symposium on The Role of Narrative in Transformative Education

Jennifer Anaquod, Naomi Kawamura & Saeed Nazari organized and presented in an excellent symposium on The Role of Narrative in Transformative Education. We are all grateful and honoured to have been welcomed to the Longhouse. Special thanks to Jennifer for sharing the story of the Longhouse and arranging with the First Nations House of Learning to host the symposium.

We also extend a kind thank you to Kenthen Thomas who energized and inspired us with the story of how “Bear and Coyote make Day and Night.”

601 Graduate Symposium, Wed Oct 14, 1:00


Wednesday, October 14, 2015
1:00-4:00         Scarfe 1209 + First Nations House of Learning

The Role of Narrative in Transformative Education

Jennifer Anaquod, Naomi Kawamura & Saeed Nazari

Genders and gender pronouns challenging campuses to change #highered #ubc

LJ Slovin and Margaret O’Sullivan led an excellent symposium today, giving depth to often taken-for-granted questions of reflexivity and positionality in research. I want to follow up here on trans activism across campuses this past year on genders and gender pronouns. For women, the work of reforming or transforming gender and gender pronouns on campus dates back about a century. For LGBTQ students, staff and faculty, the work dates back about 50 years but only recently have we seen structural changes in recognizing diversity in genders and gender pronouns and infrastructural changes in accommodation.

Most recently in Canada and the US, over the past year, campuses have offered signs of change. In the February New York Times, Julie Scelfo wrote:

Activists on campuses as diverse as Penn State, University at Albany, University of Chicago, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and University of California, Riverside, are laying claim to a degree of identity freedom nearly unimaginable when the first L.G.B.T student centers were established… In hopes of raising consciousness of the biases built into social structures and into the language we use to discuss them, students are organizing identity conferences and inventing new vocabularies, which include pronouns like “ze” and “xe,” and pressing administrations to make changes that validate, in language, the existence of a gender outside the binary.

Following Vermont, in September Harvard  took steps to recognize a wider range of genders and gender pronouns. In Canada, York has led changes across campuses leaving the balance yet to follow.

601 Graduate Symposium, Wed Oct 7, 1:00


Wednesday, October 7, 2015
1:00-4:00         Scarfe 1209

High Level Cluelessness: Engaging with the Tension of Not Knowing

Margaret O’Sullivan & LJ Slovin

Fun Exhibit open at Whatcom Museum (Bellingham, WA, USA)

Hi everyone,

My aunt put together an art exhibition in Bellingham. It is about books and their continued use in a developing electronic age. Please see the link for more information… it is a really neat show if you find yourself in Bellingham in the next couple of months.–Book-Art-on-the-Cutting-Edge–opens-at-the-Whatcom-Museum#.VghNtF4QXIV
