Wednesday, October 28, 2015
1:00-4:00 Scarfe 1214
Gender Education through Health, Science, and Environmental Education Lenses
Mashael Alharbi, Angela R. Katabaro & David Strich
1:00pm Welcome everyone, Introduction
1:05 Video: My journey to start a school for girls in Kenya: Kakenya Ntaiya at TEDxMidAtlantic 2012
1:15 Presentation by Andrea Burk & Kate MacLeod (Looking Glass Foundation) (guest speakers), Q&A
1.45 Presentation by Hartley Banack (guest speaker) on research experience, Q&A
2:00 Break
2:15 Presentation by Kerry Renwick and Sandra Scott (guest speakers) on Health, Science and Environment Education, Q&A
2:45 Presentation on STEM by Samson Nashon (guest speaker), Q&A
3:15 Small group discussion– Respond to a quote from: -the reading/ websites / video / speakers -Sharing
3:35 Large group analysis: [1 min each] -Experience with the speakers -the introductory video -other experiences to share -how does this topic apply to YOUR research / interests?
3:55 Wrap-up and housekeeping for the class for the upcoming week(s)
4:00pm End of class