Arts Education

Cross-Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Arts

Cross-Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Arts by Education Librarian

Listed below are selected teacher resources related to cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary arts.

Teacher Resources

Exploring the science of sounds: 100 musical activities for young children

by Abigail Flesch Connors

Grades: K-2

Explores the connection between music and science through the use of everyday objects. Includes creative ideas and lessons on how we can use our bodies to make sounds, making and using instruments, what sounds occur in nature, and more.

Grades: K-4

Provides practical guidance and ideas on using the visual arts as a starting point for imaginative, effective learning across a wide range of curriculum subjects. Underpinned by established and current educational thinking, it uses real-life examples to explore how this approach has been used successfully by individual class teachers and as whole-school projects. eBook only

Object lessons: Teaching math through the visual arts, K-5

by Caren Holtzman and Lynn Susholtz

Grades: K-5

Provides ideas on how to utilize visuals, including everyday objects, works of art, food, and more, to teach math in order to reach a variety of learners. Includes lessons with clear instructions and photographs, as well as guiding questions, and curriculum connections.

Artful teaching: Integrating the arts for understanding across the curriculum, K-8

edited by David M. Donahue and Jennifer Stuart

Grades: K-8

This book explains why and how art can be used across the curriculum in order to deepen student learning. Includes lively examples of examples of public school teachers integrating visual arts, music, drama, and dance with subject matter, including English, social studies, science, and mathematics.

Art & science: A curriculum for K-12 teachers from the J. Paul Getty Museum

by the J. Paul Getty Museum

Grades: K-12

Using the Getty Museum’s collection, including their sculptures, drawings, antiquities, photographs, paintings, and more, this book encourages teachers to utilize art in science instruction. Includes lesson plans, handouts, a glossary of terms, questions, and links to additional resources.

The more we look, the deeper it gets: Transforming the curriculum through art

Nicola Giardina

Grades: K-12

Provides inspiration and practical guidance for teaching with works of art across the curriculum in order to deepen engagement and improve student learning. The book introduces the Pyramid of Inquiry, a flexible framework that teachers of all subject areas can use to support connections between students’ lives, academic curriculum, and works of art from across time and place.

Education, arts and sustainability: Emerging practice for a changing world,

by Marry Ann Hunter, et al.

Grades: K-12

This book uses a series of case studies to showcase that five principles of Education for Sustainability – critical thinking, systems thinking, community partnership, participation, and envisioning better futures – are found at the heart of much arts practice in schools. The joining of arts and sustainability education is suggested as a viable way of deepening understanding, engaging students, and thinking creatively about the cross-disciplinary connections between art and sustainability.

Using art to teach reading comprehension strategies: Lesson plans for teachers

by Jennifer Klein and Elizabeth Stuart

Grades: K-12

Provides an overview of six different reading strategies and integrated reading and art lessons that can be implemented in the classroom. Emphasizes the value art as a way of improving reading comprehension without text for both art and classroom teachers.

Finding More Resources

To find more resources in this area, try the following:

  • Search using the General tab on the UBC Library website to look for material in all UBC Library branches.
  • Search using “Search Education Resources” box in the left hand bar on the Education Library website to limit your results to materials in the Education Library.
  • Use specific search terms to narrow your results, such as “Interdisciplinary approach in education”, “Art in education”
  • To find lesson plans, include “lesson plans”, “lesson planning”, or “activity programs” in your search terms.

For more help with searching, please visit the Library Service Desk or e-mail

Story written by Education Librarian


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