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Inclusive Classrooms

Inclusive Classrooms by Education Librarian

Listed below are teacher resources related to creating and working in inclusive classrooms.

Inclusive Primary Teaching, by Goepel, Childerhouse & Sharpe Inclusive Primary Teaching

by J. Goepel, H. Childerhouse & S. Sharpe (Revised Second Edition)

Grades: K-6

Combines theory and practice while promoting critical thinking about the complex issues involved in inclusive teaching. Uses scenarios as the basis for exploring major topics.

The differentiated classroom: Responding to the needs of all learners

by Carol Ann Tomlinson (eBook edition)

Grades: K-12

Explains effective classroom-proven approaches to meet the instructional needs of every learner in any grade level. Features classroom examples of real teachers using differentiated instruction.

 Inclusion Strategies That Work!

by Toby J. Karten

Grades: K-12

Encourages teachers employ empathy, responsiveness, and patience as they confidently form lesson plans and strategies for inclusion. New edition updated with the latest research and policy developments.

 40 Active Learning Strategies for the Inclusive Classroom, Grades K-5

by Linda Schwartz Green and Diane Casale-Giannola

Grades: K-5

Connects research and application with over 40 strategies for today’s inclusive classroom, including methods for differentiating instruction for children with special needs.

Strategies for Teaching Content Effectively in the Inclusive Secondary Classroom

by Lisa A. Dieker and Rebecca A. Hines

Grades: 7-12

Provides classroom applications, school-wide recommendations and content-specific strategies to support students with disabilities in secondary general education settings.

Conquering the crowded curriculum

by Kathleen Gould Lundy

Grades: K-12

The author presents four principles–identity, imagination, innovation, and integration–which form a framework that connects the curriculum by using one subject to enrich others. Students are encouraged to see different perspectives, think critically, work with new material in various contexts, and represent their new knowledge in innovative ways.

The new inclusion: Differentiated strategies to engage ALL students

by Kathy Perez

Grades: K-8

The author presents a broad understanding of the inclusive classroom, embracing a wide range of different needs that teachers face, from special education, to ELL, to a wide spectrum of student ability and readiness. All chapters include a focus on the needs of less-able readers.

Inclusion strategies for secondary classrooms: Keys for struggling learners

by M. C. Gore

Grades: 7-12

This book explores “locks” to learning—input locks, processing/retention locks, affective locks, and output locks—and provides research-based “keys” to unlock learning barriers for students with disabilities and learning challenges. Includes discussion of the unique teaching environment of secondary classrooms and applications of universal design for learning.

The inclusion toolbox: Strategies and techniques for all teachers

by Jennifer A. Kurth and Megan Gross

Grades: K-12

The authors offer step-by-step plans for implementing new inclusive programs, guidance on how to strengthen existing programs, tools to assess student interests and develop adaptation plans, and strategies to empower and involve students with disabilities and their families and peers.

The teacher’s guide to intervention and inclusive education: 1000+ strategies to help all students succeed!

by Glynis Hannell

Grades: K-12

This book contains information on working with students’ developing brains, individual differences, and individual learning styles, and presents a variety of situations which teachers might face in the inclusive classroom.

High leverage practices for inclusive classrooms

edited by James McLeskey et al.

Grades: K-12

This research-based resource offers 22 focused chapters on various key aspects of teaching in inclusive classrooms, including collaboration, assessment, instruction, and social/emotional/behavioural concerns. (E-book only.)

Joyful learning: Active and collaborative learning in inclusive classrooms,

by Alice Udvari-Solner and Paula Kluth

Grades: K-12

This resource is intended to help build inclusive classrooms serving all learners, including those with cognitive, sensory, cultural, learning, and/or linguistic differences. The authors present strategies for engaging students in discussion, debate, creative thinking, questioning, and teamwork. The book gives teachers the tools to promote relationship building and interdependence, help students teach one another as they make discoveries about course content, and engage in whole-class learning while assisting students who need personalized instruction.

Finding More Resources

To find more resources in this area, try the following:

  • Search using the General tab on the UBC Library website to look for material in all UBC Library branches.
  • Search using “Search Education Resources” box in the left hand bar on the Education Library website to limit your results to physical materials in the Education Library.
  • Use specific search terms to narrow your results, such as “inclusive classrooms”, “inclusive education”, “inclusion”, “equitable”, “diversity”, or “special education”.
  • To find lesson plans, include “lesson plans”, “lesson planning”, or “activity programs” in your search terms.

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Story written by Education Librarian


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