Planning for Teaching and Learning

Integrating Technology

Integrating Technology by Education Librarian

Listed below are selected resources for teachers related to Integrating Technology.

Edtech for the K-12 classroom: ISTE readings on how, when and why to use technology

edited by Diana Fingal

Grades: K-12

This book is designed to help future teachers use technology effectively in their classrooms and schools, offering concrete lesson plans, reflections from other teachers and advice from edtech experts on how to empower learners using technology

Learning supercharged: Digital age strategies and insights from the edtech frontier

by Lynne Schrum, with Sandi Sumerfield

Grades: K-12

This book looks at emerging approaches and tools, and incorporates professional educators’ stories of how and why they have implemented each trend, including information on challenges faced and overcome, how to get started and other resources to explore.

Lesson plans for creating media-rich classrooms

edited by Mary T. Christel and Scott Sullivan

Grades: K-12

This book contains twenty-seven lesson plans designed to help teachers integrate media literacy concepts, and skills into the curriculum, each with a rationale, activity, and assessment and adaptation suggestions, covering photography, multimedia, video, print, graphic novels, music, video games, and advertising.

Finding More Resources

To find more resources in this area, try the following:

  • Search using the General tab on the UBC Library website to look for material in all UBC Library branches.
  • Search using “Search Education Resources” box in the left hand bar on the Education Library website to limit your results to materials in the Education Library.
  • Use specific search terms to narrow your results, such as “inclusive classrooms”, “inclusive education”, “inclusion”, “equitable”, “diversity”, or “supportive”.
  • To find lesson plans, include “lesson plans”, “lesson planning”, or “activity programs” in your search terms.

For more help with searching, please visit the Library Service Desk or e-mail

Story written by Education Librarian


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