Category Archives: Uncategorized

2010 Olympic medals unveiled

VANOC unveiled the gold, silver and bronze medals for both the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Conceptually they’re the same design, delivered differently for each. Concept Corrine Hunt created two canvases upon which to build the design for the medals. … Continue reading

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Vancouver 2010 workforce uniforms!

Today VANOC revealed the workforce (including volunteers, paid staff, contractors, but not technical officials) uniforms for the 2010 Games My reaction? I *love* them!  But I suspect I’m gonna be stuck with the city (generic) pants rather than the kewl … Continue reading

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I come to praise ManyCams, not to bury thee

While I don’t spend an inordinate amount of time in online chats, there have been times where it would’ve been nice to use my webcam with more than one application simultaneously. The most common example is wanting to use Skype … Continue reading

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New home for ETEC 565 Elearning tool kit

UBC’s moving to a new wiki environment, so the eLearning tool kit from ETEC 565 has a new home. You’ll find it here. As with its original home, please don’t make any substantive edits–drop me a note (john dot egan … Continue reading

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Quant. Creep.

We live in a world that values stories, yet gives more credibility to statistics. This is not my preference; it is my experience. Government, in particular, likes information bundled in consumable, numeric bundles. Some pretty graphics help too. One of … Continue reading

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Moodle and WordPress hosting

Having long ago largely let go of economic nationalism, I’ve used GoDaddy for my domain registration service for a while. Recently I decided to find a better domain for my personal site: so is migrated to Since everything … Continue reading

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O Canada Line

A few weeks back my friend Tony and rode the Canada Line from Waterfront Station all the way to YVR. I was always excited about a direct Skytrain link to the airport, but I was still impressed with the CL. … Continue reading

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I’d’ve had to miss the dance

It’s not over ’til it’s over, but I can see ETEC 565 slowly setting on the horizon…. The first offering of any new course is at times a frustrating experience. There are always things that you thought you’d put in … Continue reading

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ETEC 565A is ending, what about my Moodling?

A few folks have wondered what will happen to their Moodle sites once ETEC 565A is over?  And the answer is…..

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My digital story

Can be viewed here. I chose Prezi both for its presentation capabilities and the learning styles it integrates. Prezi presentations fairly leap off the screen, with their rapid and spinny transitions. The ability to position graphics at different angles and … Continue reading

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video blog

Mostly for my ETEC 565A peeps….

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des atelier; mon boulot

For the first 10 days (or so) of July we were hosting a workshop for some guests from the KFUPM, Saudi Arabia’s most prestigious-and only English-medium–university. They offer an increasing number of blended/mixed mode/hybrid courses. An engaging, clever and well-spirited … Continue reading

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Cypress 2010 commerative mountain passes now on sale

All work and no play makes John…well…truculent, lethargic and snarky.  I’m one of those strange people who gains weight in the summer, then loses it all come winter time.  Every season I get a limited pass for Cypress Mountain, but … Continue reading

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YouTube – CBC Opening / Closing 2000

YouTube – CBC Opening / Closing 2000.

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Team 2010

Word over the ether that I am now officially confirmed as a member of Team 2010. Again. I’ve been a huge fan of the Olympic Games since childhood. In fact, after the 1994 Games in Lillehammer I published an op-ed … Continue reading

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LMS proposals

I’ve just finished assessing the LMS proposals for my ETEC565A students. Overall I’ve been very impressed with the calibre of the work. In fact, few students did poorly (i.e. 7 or less out of 10): those that did largely lost … Continue reading

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How to set up a Moodle course

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Attention iPhone users of UBC Blogs

Did you know there’s an iPhone app that allows you to post directly to your UBC Blogs blog? Well now you do. But it’s a bit tricky to configure. And unless I get some comments here asking for details.. 😉

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Andragogy is the new pedagogy

We’re entering week 3 of the summer term–now is the fun part! From this week forward, my ETEC 565A students begin their work on their e-portfolios and working their way through the course’s eLearning tool kit.  Very exciting!!! From time … Continue reading

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Paralympic Winter Games tickets

Hey fellow Vancouverites–don’t forget the 2010 Paralympic Winter Games are a few short weeks after the Olympic–and tickets went on sale this morning. Prices are much lower than the Olympic ones for most events. For UBC folk ice sledge hockey … Continue reading

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