Category Archives: Uncategorized

un jour se levera…

Beginning of a new term is always busy in my role here at OLT (yeah, you know me). However it’s doubly busy when I act as both instructional designer/project manager and course co-author. This term I’m also the instructor in … Continue reading

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Coming up close

With a new course starting in a couple of days, it’s shaping up to be a busy and fun summer work-wise. I love teaching and can’t wait to get back into it. And I love teaching about technology! *squee*

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constructive alignment; you can’t eat it raw

As Vancouver bursts fully forth into a lovely spring, I glance periodically out the window towards all that is in bloom. And then I get back to work. Because the end of April is the run-up to a new term. … Continue reading

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lifelong learning

It’s official: I’ll be teaching ETEC 565: Learning Technologies: Selection, Design and Application in UBC’s Master of Educational Technology (MET) programme, starting May. I’m very much looking forward to teaching again. Here’s the blurb: ETEC565 is an online seminar that … Continue reading

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Innovation in collaborative health research training: the role of active learning

Between 2005 and 2007 I worked at the Parterning for Community Health (PCHR ) CIHR-funded Strategic Health Research Program. My role included coordinating aspects of a series of training workshops. Trainees were both post-graduate students and “community-based” public health workers. … Continue reading

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WWW betrayal: the missing link

The ‘net dynamism is one of the reasons it’s so great: information can be disseminated quickly, efficiently, and consumably. Updating online resources makes for (near) instant updating to consumers, particularly when technologies like RSS are used. It’s all good, right? … Continue reading

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Oirish soda bread recipe

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, I’m sharing my Nanny’s (grandmother’s) straight-from-Portuma-Galway recipe for Oirish soda bread. Like many such recipes, it’s easy to make…and easy to stuff up! Ingredients 4 cups of all-purpose flou 1.5 cups white sugar 1 … Continue reading

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Skype as a distributed learning tool

I’m working on a course whose author is based in Central Canada. And while technology today offers all sorts of tools to communicate, delivering professional development training can be challenging. Not so much for communicating what I need to; it’s … Continue reading

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Multimedia pedagogy: video

Many of my students come into my multimedia pedagogy courses ready to create a web site. And the first question I ask them is “why do you think a web site is the way to go?” And very few have … Continue reading

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Multimedia pedagogy and software selection

Parking the idea of the cloud for now, one of the questions I often get is “dude, how do I make kewl multimedia stuff? What software is cheap, easy, and reliable?” And my reply is “dude, that totally depends.” But … Continue reading

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There seems little doubt that Web 2.0 technologies like blogging often perform a pedagogical function. In fact, there are lots of spaces and places where blogs are created explicitly for teaching and learning. We use them in a number of … Continue reading

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Deposit or delineate

Across the range of courses I’m responsible fo, a range of pedagogical approaches are used, based on the subject, the resources available to the instructor/department, and the norms of the discipline in question. In education courses, as an example, testing … Continue reading

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Swinging both ways

Years ago I dated this really kind of obnoxious fella (film industry; go figure), but he did, for some reason, offer me his old computer even after I dumped him we agreed we weren’t romantically compatible. That machine was a … Continue reading

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In 2006 I “had to” go to Belfast to give a paper at a conference. Since I was already there and my airfare paid by my grant, I decided to check out Europe’s explosion of cheap-and-somewhat-cheerful budget airlines. After applying … Continue reading

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iPhone lives!!!

Well, with the assistance of my colleague Novak (hvala!), my iPhone WordPress application is up and running.

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plan, man

I have learnt, through trial and error, that instructional design is as much about project planning as it is about knowing about edumacation. Sadly, this is even more true when I am “the team.” A lot of professionals have encountered … Continue reading

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au matin

I bet the new US President is pretty exhausted after what must’ve been a looooong day. Everyone I know was captivated by yesterday’s events. Some folks’ employers set up TVs so their staff could follow events live (like my husband … Continue reading

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Ken Leeeee

For anyone who somehow hasn’t ever seen this, I present a golden moment from (Bulgarian) Music Idol: “‘Ken Lee’? Don’t you mean ‘Without You’?” “No.” Classic

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I’m here, I’m ready! Hello!  Hello? Testing 1 – 2 – 3… My name is John Egan; I’m an instructional designer and project manager here in the Distance Education unit of the Office of Learning Technology (OLT for short). I … Continue reading

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