Assignment 1:3 Reflection

ENG 301 Assignment 1:3 Reflection Blog Post
Assignment 1:3 Revised Post:
Link to peer review post:

Reflecting on this assignment, I have learned a lot about defining complex terms in three different ways. I often read articles and other sources of information for work and school, now I have the background knowledge as to how these documents are created. It is nice to know the reasoning behind how the informational data is put together to inform the reader. My original writing was put together keeping a non-technical audience in mind, and defining a term that I encounter in my line of work. As a dental hygienist, I am often the one that patients turn to for information regarding various aspects of their oral health. I keep my knowledge current by attending continuing education courses, I can then offer the public evidence-based answers.

For the purpose of this assignment, I enjoyed reading journal articles, research on websites, and, brainstorming on how to put my assignment together in order to explain this term in a non-technical manner. Sometimes patients can have good oral hygiene and still suffer from bad breath. This can greatly impact their self-esteem and social interaction due to the embarrassment as a cause of this condition. This is why health care providers should be aware of tonsilloliths and preventative measures. Tonsilloliths are often one of the primary causes of chronic bad breath, patients are often unaware of this. I often search for other potential causes first, but I also examine the tonsils and surrounding tissues for causes of bad breath and discomfort. When there is a history of chronic suffering with tonsilloliths, I offer suggestions on how to help prevent this condition. Drinking lots of water, and gargling with mouthwash or salt/warm water rinsing can offer some relief. A referral to an ear, nose, and throat specialist could be necessary in severe cases.

The peer review process offered me wonderful feedback on which to draw from in order to improve my writing for this assignment. It is great to receive suggestions on how to improve this assignment from a peer’s perspective. I have taken those recommendations to edit and revise my assignment. Looking back on the process, I find that after editing my assignment it has improved, it is clearer and more concise, I can see what I had previously missed in the original work. I appreciate the recommendations, it is wonderful to have my peer’s, Joyce Wu, perspective on my writing. I was glad to hear that she found it informative, and easy to understand despite being a dental hygiene related topic. As per my review of her assignment titled ‘Scope Creep’, I thought it was written in an organized manner. I had no previous knowledge of the term, and I was able to understand the defined term to the point in which I would now feel confident in describing it to others. The description of the term was clear and informative, all of the objectives were met.

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