TO: Lisa Liang, Team Writer
FROM: Jojo (Syau-jing) Huang, Team Editor
DATE: October 15, 2019
SUBJECT: Review of your Proposal – Reducing CCTS Complaints at the Telus Call Centre in Burnaby
Hi Lisa, I have reviewed your formal report proposal about helping Telus to reduce the CCTS complaints. It is a very interesting topic and I appreciate that you can straightforwardly introduce this professional topic, which makes it easy to understand. Meanwhile, the solution you put forward about implementing the CCTS prevention team is quite reasonable and the way you propose this approach is quite convincing. Overall, you have done a great job, but please allow me to share a few suggestions below:
Background Information of Readers: You have done a great job introducing the background knowledge of CCTS. However, as a reader who knows nothing about CCTS, I think the beginning part of this section may cause some misunderstanding. When reading the sentence “There is a private sector call Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television…” for the first time, I assumed that CCTS might be a private sector of TELUS since the previous sentence is introducing Telus. And then I felt confused why a private sector of Telus also takes care of the complaints of other telecommunication companies. I think it will be helpful if you can add conjunction at the beginning of that sentence, and it will also be good if you can clarify that CCTS is an “independent agency” earlier.
Statement of Problem and Proposed Solution: I like the way that you use the statistics to support your opinion, and the statistical comparison between Telus and Rogers Communication in your proposal is impressive. You have done a great job of collecting all of those data, and I think it will make your proposal more persuasive and reliable if you can also include the source of those data, like the “511 valid complaints”, in the reference part of your proposal.
Proposed Solution and Methods: You have proposed a reasonable solution and well-defined criteria for the CCTS prevention team to take action. Besides, you have also provided very detail steps on how to understand the customers’ complaints and train the team. All of those show your solid background and professional experience in dealing with customers’ issues. Meanwhile, I would like to suggest that you can plan some research on the performance evaluation of your approach. As the target audiences of your report are the directors of the business analysis team at Telus, they may also have some other candidate solutions for the same issue and including some estimated performance of your proposed solution in your final report can make your proposal much more competitive. For example, you may conduct some research about whether similar solutions have been applied by some other companies for the customer complains issue, and you can also try to answer why your solution is better than other possible solutions.
Overall, you have done a great job of introducing the current issue and explaining the possible solution. Apart from those detail steps of your solutions, I think it will be helpful if you can also investigate how your solution can help Telus, and what do other stakeholders think of your solution. Thank you so much for introducing such an interesting topic for us, I am looking forward to reading your final report. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns regard my suggestions.
Link to Lisa’s post:
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