Peer Review of LinkedIn Profile

To: Jojo (Syau-jing) Huang, Peanut Team Teammate

From: Cheryl Chao, Peanut Team Writer

Date: October 31st, 2019

Subject: Peer Review of Your LinkedIn Profile

Hi Jojo, I have reviewed your LinkedIn Profile. Your profile is very complete and lends itself to a very clear goal for a software engineer career path. I have made some detailed comments below:

First Impressions: The profile is complete and has experiences and skills that relate to software engineering. The profile looks very professional with bullet points explaining each work experience. The profile also includes a very straightforward introduction that directly states a desired job in the near future. 

Headline & Photo: This profile includes a headshot of Jojo and a very straightforward headline. I suggest to use a profile photo that is taken professionally and shows a plain background. 

About: The profile summarizes the education level, relevant job experiences and hobbies. I would suggest changing the format to one paragraph as the space in between makes this section seem longer than it is. Also, instead of hobbies, relevant personality traits could also be mentioned. 

Work Experience: All of the work experiences listed includes a job title, a work location and duration of work. Also, each work experience includes a few key points that describes the job and listed in chronological order. It was great that professional terms were used. This allows future employers to better understand the engineering processes involved in the work experiences. I suggest making shorter sentences for some bullet points as long sentences may be skimmed and neglected. Consider separating them into more bullet points. 

Education: The profile includes two recent degrees with faculties and majors clearly stated. I would suggest to include the faculty in your University of British Columbia education section. 

Licenses & Certifications: This profile does not include any licenses or certifications therefore there are no suggestions of improvements in this section.

Volunteer Experiences: This profile does not include any volunteer experiences therefore there are no suggestions of improvements in this section.

Skills, Accomplishment and Interests: This profile has lots of skills related to the engineering industry and has many endorsements for each skill. The skills are categorized into industry knowledge and different softwares. This helps to view types of skills included and if employers are interested, more specific skills this profile includes. The profile has many accomplishments on courses related to the industry. Furthermore, the profile includes a few interests related to her education and the engineering industry. The concentration of these skills, accomplishments and interests are great and demonstrates a clear devotion to software engineering. I would suggest to include interpersonal skills or interests to demonstrate that your characteristics such as communication skills, writing skills or teamwork skills.   

Grammar, Punctuation, Writing Style: The profile maintained a professional tone and did not include “I” statements. There are a few grammatical errors in the “About” section: 

  • Add “I am” before “… expected to graduate in December 2019”. 
  • Change “faster” to “fast”
  • Change “It is a wonderful” to “It was a wonderful”
  • Change “…and picnic in the summer, and I also” to “…and picnic in the summer. I also play…”

Concluding Comments: Overall, this profile is very impressive. The strengths of this profile is the high concentration in skills, education and experiences that all relate to software engineering. The use of technical terms also further emphasize specific experiences and skills in the engineering field. A few weaknesses include minor grammatical errors, the lack of interpersonal skills shown on the profile and a selfie as the profile photo. Key suggestions for this profile is to include interest or skills that showcase more than just technical skills and to consider a professional headshot as the profile photo. 

LinkedIn Peer Review Template: 301 Cheryl Chao LinkedIn Peer Review Template

Jojo’s LinkedIn Profile:

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