Formal Report Outline:
Resolving staffing shortage for the Richmond aquatics special needs program
A. Description of the Richmond Aquatics special needs program
B. Description of the staffing shortage
C. Description of data sources
D. Purpose of the report
E. Scope of this inquiry
A. Determining the importance of the special needs program
- How it contributes to the community
- The service provided by the program
- Why the program is needed
B. Determining the amount of staff members needed to run the program
- Amount of students that attend the program weekly
- Amount of staff provided by Richmond Aquatics
- Amount of swim instructors that are volunteers
C. Determining the staffing shortage’s impact on the special needs program
- How many students are unable to attend the program due to staff shortage
- The drop of teaching quality due to staff shortage
D. Suggested Solutions
- Providing incentives for volunteers
- Increase of marketing for the position
- Increase of Richmond Aquatic staff members
A. Summary of findings
B. Recommended solutions
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