Maximizing Effectiveness of Lecture Capture Systems in the Statistics Department at UBC
- Introduction to Lecture Capture systems
- Introduction to case study and UBC Statistics department
- Purpose of report
- Data collection methods
- Scope of inquiry
- Summary of findings
- Targeted factors of student participation, performance, and satisfaction
- Case study: Computer science department at UBC
- Survey responses
- Interviews
- Opportunities in the Statistics Department
- Classification of course types
- Classification by year level
- Classification by “Reference” or “Lead” textbook
- Proposed modifications to courses
- Lecture material
- Online availability of material
- Frequency of material updates
- Homework assignments
- Labs
- Reducing the burden of installation of Lecture Capture systems
- Classification of course types
- Targeted factors of student participation, performance, and satisfaction
- Summary of findings
- Recommendations based on proposed modifications to courses
- Survey responses and interviews
- Bibliography
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