Progress Report on Formal Report for Ettics Store


To:                        Dr. Erika Paterson, Professor for ENGL 301

From:                   Diane Keyes, ENGL 301 Student

Date:                    November 14, 2019

Subject:               Progress Report on Analytical Report on the Ettics Store

Report Overview

Ettics is a sustainability concept store featuring eco-fashion and package-free organic food and body products in Witten, Germany. The purpose of this research is to determine why new customers struggle to understand how to use Ettics’ package-free system and offer recommendations based on these findings. The primary audience is Jan-Frederik Ude, Founder and CFO of Ettics. The secondary audience is Lucas Bauer, Founder and CEO of Ettics.

This analysis will support the design of instructions that inform new customers on using the store’s unique package-free system. This is integral to retaining new customers who might otherwise be lost due to confusion, embarrassment, or frustration. These cost-effective solutions will also be useful when designing the second version of the store which opens in August 2020 in Essen, Germany.

This research focuses on customer experience and interaction with current texts posted throughout the store that offer instructions on using the package-free system. Interviews and surveys will focus on store-usage and thus avoid personal or sensitive questions. The identities of customers will be kept anonymous as will the identities of store staff who are interviewed.

Jan-Frederik Ude has a bachelor’s degree in non-profit management and is currently completing his master’s in Ethics and Organization. He has a good understanding of what is needed for smooth customer-store interaction but is still interested in a formal inquiry as customers experience challenges with the current system. The researcher has experience in anthropological research methods including interviews, participant observation, and data analysis which will lend themselves to this inquiry.

As the researcher is from Canada and the research takes place in Germany, considerations must be made for cultural differences and language barriers when interacting with customers and Ettics staff. Two anticipated challenges include a resistance to having staff interviewed due to their busy schedule and language barriers when communicating with customers.

Work Completed

November 8:      Formal report outline posted on Team Blog.

November 8:      Topic for analytical report finalized through email communication with Dr. Paterson and in-person with Jan-Frederik Ude.

November 12:   Interview and survey questions drafted.

November 13:   Conducted in-store participant observation for 30 minutes which included:

  • Taking photographs of store layout and current texts and used to explain store-use to customers.
  • Taking notes on observations of customers interacting with the package-free food system.
  • Taking notes on staff interaction with customers.
  • Taking notes of researcher’s own experience with using the store of the first time.

Work Remaining

November 18:   Interview with Jan-Frederik Ude, Founder and CFO of Ettics.

November 18:   Interview with 2 Ettics staff.

November 18:   Interview with 2 new customers.

November 19:   Conduct unsolicited informational interviews with other package-free stores. Inquire about their method of informing customers about using the package-free system.

November 20:   Conduct in-person customer surveys.

November 25:   Design graphics based on customer survey.

November 26:   Analyze data and begin writing the formal report.

December 4:      Submit first draft of final report for peer review on Team Forum.

December 19:    The final version of the 15-page formal analytical report will be delivered to Jan-Frederik Ude digitally by email.

Feedback on survey and interview questions are welcome.


Enclosed: copy of in-person customer survey and interview questions.

_ENGL 301 – Diane Keyes – Interview Questions

_ENGL 301 – Diane Keyes – Survey

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