To: Taras Shyp, English 301 Student
From: Ranjit Dhaliwal, English 301 Student
Date: December 10, 2019
Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft: “Improving Mental Health and Wellness of Graduate Students at the Oncology Program at the BC Cancer Research Center”
Dear Taras,
Firstly, I would like to thank you for preparing this formal report draft for review. Your report on “Improving Mental Health and Wellness of Graduate Students at the Oncology Program at the BC Cancer Research Center” was very informative. I have completed my review and have provided my thoughts and some suggestions for your report.
First Impressions
Your first draft of the report was very informative and provided a significant amount of detail into the struggles and hopeful solutions of improving the mental health and wellness of students. The organization of the report was also well thought out and provided the reader with a good understanding of the intention of the report.
Title Page
The title page had a simple and clean layout with the topic of the report in large font along with who the report was intended for underneath. The authors name and date were also provided.
Table of Contents
The table of contents was well laid out and is comprised of four main sections that were easily identified. Subsections within each main section were also indicated and numbered
The introduction provides information to the reader in an effective and concise manner. Numbered sections also provided a clear breakdown of the subtopics of the introduction. However, the last two sentences of 1.1 of the Introduction seemed confusing and wordy and could be improved. Also, consider replacing the word “eludicate” with a more general word like “make” to make it less confusing.
Data Section
The data section provided an extensive amount of information along with visual graphs of survey results and two surveys that were also completed. This visual representation helps the reader understand the variance between results and was well thought out. However, some of the words within the section need revision. In section 2.1 replace the word “voluntary” with “voluntarily” and “appendicies” with “appendix”. Lastly, to keep the format of the report consistent, consider reformatting the last survey that was conducted to make it similar to the format of the first survey interview.
The conclusion was well organized and provided a review of the findings within the report along with a list of clear recommendations. It was also nice to see a list of long-term recommendations that helps the reader identify logger term solutions that can also be implemented.
The content of the report is detailed and provides a significant amount of information on both the problem and potential recommendations. The graphic representation of findings helps provide a broader sense of the problem’s students face.
The overall organization of the report was excellent. The report contains four main sections along with sub-sections that are clearly presented. Each main section and subsection are numbered and a table of contents at the beginning provides the reader with an easy way to identify the contents of the report. The appendix at the end of the report which includes supplementary figures and references was also well laid out.
The style of the report contains a positive stance and exhibits YOU attitude. Furthermore, the intent of each section was easily identifiable and conveyed what the reader was thinking.
The use of graphics was well done throughout the report. All the graphs and tables were thoughtfully created and conveyed useful information that was easy to understand
Comments & Recommendations
The overall report was constructed very well. It contains a significant amount of information and does a good job of not only describing the problem but it also provides a logical framework on how the problem can be addressed through various recommendations. The report was concise and contains YOU attitude and the tone was objective and remained positive.
I hope you find my peer review and the suggestions I offered useful in drafting your final report. If you have any questions or need clarifications on my review please feel free to contact me at . I’m looking forward to the final report!
Link to Formal Report Draft that was reviewed:
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