Proof Reading before Posting: helpful tips

Here is a list of helpful tips and examples to use when proof-reading and self-editing the Final draft of your Formal Report.

  • Formatting the assignment:
    • Create a single PDF document with a separate pages in the same document. In order to ensure correct overall pagination is correct; review the textbook pages 514 – 517
    • Review the example of a table of contents on page 521: note the page numbers
    • Visuals need to be correctly labeled – check and double check the textbook
  • Always stay in present tense when possible.
    • For example:
    • “This report will examine the possible ways to increase …….” /  This report examines the possible ways of increasing
    • “The data was compiled via a survey and will demonstrate”  …. / The survey data demonstrates ……
    • “The scope of this assignment included: …. / The scope of this assignment includes
    • “The analysis set out in this report relied on written and verbal information.. / The analysis set out in this report relies on ….
  • Stay Positive/ Avoid the Negative:
    •  “NEGATIVE: Students are not comprehensively provided necessary training, guidance and mentorship, which hinders their professional growth, but also the efficiency of the organization. This leads to disengaged students with little motivation to further the mandate of the organization. Additionally, this also reduces the pool of qualified prospective employees as co-op students will no longer consider applying for permanent positions, thus creating staffing shortages.
    • POSITIVE: Providing comprehensive training, guidance and mentorship, will enable professional growth and increase efficiency of the organization. This will lead to greater student engagement and stronger motivation to fulfil the mandate of the organization. Additionally, the pool of qualified prospective employees as co-op students will increase creating a stronger staff.
  • Rules: 
    • Never start a sentence with a number – always spell the number out
    • Avoid the word ‘it’ – this is an empty word; use a noun to name whatever ‘it’ represents
    • Avoid ending a sentence with a two letter word (it/ at / on/ in …); always change the sentence and you will have a better sentence
    • Avoid the use of all pronouns: whenever possible “take out the people”

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