Peer Review of Jason’s Draft Application Package

To: Jason Smith

From: Eric Chang

Date: Dec 16th, 2019

Subject: Peer review of application package


Hi Jason,

I have now completed reviewing your draft application package and I have to say it’s extremely impressive. With work experience from the largest technology firms in the world like Apple and Tesla, you would be an outstanding candidate for any software engineering position that you choose to apply to. Here are a few suggestions on how you can further improve your application package. 



The outline of your resume is extremely clean and concise as each major category is both highlighted and separated in an organized matter. You also did an extremely good job highlight the two most important aspects of a resume for a software engineer which are your technical skills as well as past work experience. My main suggestion for your resume would be to include a brief summary of yourself and your characteristics as this will give the hiring manager a stronger understanding of you as a candidate when reviewing your resume. 


Cover Letter

Your cover letter was also extremely well done as you were able to communicate in a professional and concise matter on why you would like to work at Stripe as a software engineer. You also did an extremely good job in using your past work experiences to highlight important qualities about yourself such as leadership and being a team player. Then most importantly you also made sure to highlight all the technical skills you learned while working for both Tesla and Apple. 


Reference Requests

Your reference requests were quick and to the point as you maintained a professional tone throughout all three requests for reference letters. You also made sure to thank each individual for taking the time to read your reference request. 


Overall, your application package showcases an extremely strong candidate for the software engineering intern position at Stripe. I hope that my suggestions will help you further strengthen your application. If you have any questions or concerns about my review of your application feel free to contact me at




Eric Chang 

Link to Jason’s application:

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