Following September’s stand-up led by SASI, on October 12th the Student Recruitment & Advising team led us through a very quick and abridged version of the presentation given to domestic students across Canada.

Cathie Beevers led us through and began with a land acknowledgement and explained that the team does this to begin every presentation that they do.

Next attendees are asked to think about and complete the following sentences:

  • As I graduate high school, my main interests are…
  • The things I value most are…
  • Five years from now I hope to be…

These help prospective students start thinking about their values and how UBC might fit in and so we ask them to consider us, supplemented with a general overview of our institution, our ranking, our programs and some insight into the experience of some of our students.

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Next the team gets into the application process and the personal profile – aided by a helpful phrase from ESP Colleen Mooney: What? Now What? So What?

Overall it was a very interesting and enlightening experience. Thanks to Cathie Beevers and the recruitment team for the presentation!

Kate’s Remarks

Next Kate gave us some updates on what’s going on in the larger department.

Integrated Program: Kate and a number of other key people in the program attended a Workday client conference which was very exciting and a great learning opportunity. The goal is to bring the decision on the platform to the Board of Governors in December.

CRM: The project is well underway and in their second sprint. The anticipation is that the first set of functionality will go live in January!

ES Self Study: This project is also well underway with the Table of Contents having been developed and the unit SWOT profiles all completed! This will be completed by the end of November!

United Way: The campaign has started! Please consider giving – the united way is a really important resource for many people throughout their lives – including Kate’s as a young mom. Please consider it! (more information can be found here)