The Positive Space Campaign at UBC is an initiative intended to help make the university more receptive to and welcoming of its lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans* (transgender, transsexual, trans-identified), two-spirit, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual (LGBT*TQIA+) communities, individuals, and of issues of sexual and gender diversity on campus.

It aims to foster a welcoming atmosphere and inclusive, respectful dialogue on campus for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities by identifying spaces where sexual and gender diversity is supported and valued.

Anyone at UBC can volunteer to become a Positive Space Resource Person.  If you are interested in getting involved, start by signing up for a workshop. Training sessions are offered regularly on both the Vancouver and Okanagan campuses.

If you would like to find a resource person, they can be identified by the Positive Space stickers and buttons in their workspace. You can also find a list here.

-Information modified from