Mike Becir and Jennifer Chin (Student Support & Advising) attended an intense Change Management Certification program in March. They were sequestered in a remote location in Squamish where there was 4 feet of snow around them, and no television or radio!

The change management program was offered through PROSCI (formed by the words Professional and Science), and is a highly recognized program that addresses change management in organizations of all sizes and industries. The class Mike and Jen attended had participants from IT, manufacturing, auctioneers, HR and small business owners. The focus of the PROSCI change management certification is on the people side of change and their ADKAR model (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement), which represent the five tangible and concrete outcomes that people need to achieve for lasting change. This program offered some great insight and change support tools as we move towards IRP and other upcoming initiatives.

Feel free to stop either Jen or Mike, and ask them about ADKAR!