Indspire Website Mod 1- Post 3 VR


I felt that the last two posts were very academic…so this one is more about a great Indigenous Resource –

“Over 280 educators, parents, and sponsors participated in our first annual National Gathering for Indigenous Education in Calgary, AB on March 15th and 16th, 2013. Twelve Guiding the Journey: Indigenous Educator Awards were presented by Indspire Patron His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada.”

At the National Gathering the Indspire (Blending the words Indigenous and Inspire), the website was “unveiled”.

Part of the website is dedicated to educators and anyone who learns with Indigenous youth.

To get the the resources and educators network:

Click on:


For Educators

Sign up for an Account

and you are in…

Good luck! Verena 🙂

This is a recent post I received a bout a free webinar TOMORROW:

Institute Moderator posted a school update to Indspire Institute.

“May 28, 2013 12-2pm EST
A conversation with Sakoieta Widrick

Join us tomorrow for our first webinar! We will have a conversation with Sakoieta Widrick, Indigenous Studies and Mohawk Language Instructor, Brock University, Tecumseh Centre for Aboriginal Research and Education. I hope you are able to join for a portion or all of the webinar. If you questions please contact Ali Darnay, Online Moderator, or post here.”

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