BrainPOPis a group of educational websit…

BrainPOPis a group of educational websites with hundreds of short animated movies for students in grades K-12 (ages 6 to 17) covering the subjects of science social studies, english, math arts, music, health and technology.

Dr. Avraham Kadar
Founder & Chief Executive Officer

BrainPOP was founded in 1999 when Dr. Kadar decided to find a way to teach his young patients about asthma and allergies. He was an immunologist and was looking for a way to explain health issues concepts to kids. He thought using animation would be the most appealing way to get the information across in a kid-friendly way.BrainPOP’s educational animated movies not only captured their attention, but also sparked their interest in learning more. Now Dr. Kadar has gone from educating his patients to educating children everywhere. As a serious entrepreneur, Dr. Kadar has started several successful Internet and technology companies. BrainPOP Jr., Dr. Kadar’s latest venture, was especially created for K-3 students. Dr. Kadar continues to work closely with BrainPOP’s other executives in defining and executing overall strategy.


Evidence of the BrainPOPs’ success is detailed in a study of 1,100 classrooms in Florida and New York. The study concluded that students who were in classrooms that used BrainPOP showed substantial gains in Science, Lanuage and Reading Comprehension on the Stanford 10.    BrainPOP has also received numerous awards, including Learning magazine’s 2010 Teacher Choice Award and the Technology and Learning award of excellence, 2007.

Dr. Kadar is an excellent entrepreneur. He embarked on a great venture  He had a vision, he took actions to pursue his vision and turned it into a successful reality. Inline with his vision,  Dr. Kadar carried out research and collection of data that helped him to produce educational resources, uniquely suited for 21st-century learning.  I personally like the fact that BrainPOP is constantly updating its products and services to meet the needs of todays’ digital age learners who demand excellent, inspired and innovative teaching. This strategy keeps BrainPOP current.

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