Edmodo is a social network and a private…
Edmodo is a social network and a private micro-blogging platform that is similar to the services provided by Facebook and Twitter. It is mainly built for teachers and students for them to use in their classroom. Edmodo is more secure than Facebook and Twitter. It provides teachers and students with the opportunity to conduct private social interactions.
Edmodo has features that allow teachers and students to share notes, links and files. In addition to this, teachers can send assignments, grades, conduct polls and post any item in Edmodo public domain at any convenient time. Also Edmodo has features that allow students to view their grades, participate in online discussions and communicate with their teachers.
Edmodo was launched in 2008 and has grown to approximately five hundred thousand users in 2010 and in 2011 to approximately 2.5 million users.
CEO and Founder
My Views:
After I have thoroughly gone through this and other ventures, I realized that any company that focuses on education and tools that enhance the learning and teaching process will become a thriving business. This is due to the greater demand for skilled and educated people in the various areas of our societies. In light of this fact, I think the founders of Edmodo have embarked on good a venture. Furthermore it is a good venture because solve the problem of immoral use of certain internet sites.
This venture has the ability to become a very successful business across our globe. It solves the problem of blocking social networks from students and unfriendly and unsecured areas for social interactions across the internet. This social network will positively affect the lives of teachers, students and administrators. It provides a platform for institutions to implement distant education and touch the lives of many students globally. After the review of this software, I planned to introduce it to my principal because it a great prospect online interactions between students and teachers.
Posted in: Uncategorized, Week 04: Entrepreneur Bootcamp
themusicwoman 11:29 am on September 29, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Haha! I think I’ve been shown up! Nice info. You went way more in depth than i did I think. As a user of edmodo, I’m glad to see someone else profile this and plan to use it!
Angela Novoa 12:51 pm on September 29, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks for sharing this innovative tool. Reading your post makes me want to explore more about the tool and see the possibility of using it with my courses. About your reflections, I agree with you that today there is a high demand for skilled and educated people in diverse areas of our society. However, I am not sure that all innovative ventures about the integration of technologies in instruction will be successful because of this. For example, I have experienced how some really innovative technologies that can promote learning in many ways become underutilized and then without selling because of lack of training programs to teachers on how to manage the tool. With this, I am trying to say that there are other variables that can affect the success or failure of a venture.
bcourey 1:39 pm on September 29, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I have been to presentations at various conferences that highlighted Edmodo as a successful tool used in many schools and districts. They have filled a void that exists in schools where the filters are so restrictive that in-house solutions for social networking must be used, but who has time to create them? Edmodo fills that void..I see Principals using it as a networking space for teachers and I see teachers using it for the interaction in the classroom when exploring outside the district server space is restricted.
David William Price 4:29 pm on September 29, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
How do they make money?
Doug Smith 8:37 am on October 2, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks for the bio, it was interesting!
I tried to sign up for Edmodo but it seemed like I had to associate myself with my school – as an individual, I’m not sure I have the right to enter my school into the Edmodo system.
For non-US educators, do you have concerns with student data being kept on servers in the USA? This is surely an issue with the Patriot Act.
hall 6:37 pm on October 3, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Yes, you need to be associated with a school. It is a useful software for students and teachers.