Ebooks the ultimate reading materials for students

Over past four years, I have been using eBooks with my students in Physics and Mathematics. These are free eBooks that I downloaded from the Internet. These books have helped my students tremendously in saving for other urgent needs because they do not need to buy the text books which are very expensive.  As result of using these books students can no longer say that they do not have the resources to complete given assignments. Most of my students enjoy using eBooks more than the printed textbooks as they electronic media more interactive and exciting. According to Prensky, (2001) this generation of students, known as digital natives, seem enjoy the integration of digital technology and books. In addition these books have also helped me to set test and examination questions easily at any location.

In a technological driven society, I find that the electronic media are becoming more important. Thus I feel that eBooks will be a tool that will be us for a long time. Furthermore, I strongly believe that eBooks are good replacement for textbooks and a solution to deforestations. There are other positive features about eBooks which include:

  • the material more convenient and easily accessible;
  • the eBook’s materials improved navigation and made it easier to move from one content area to another;
  • the electronic format was exceptionally portable, much more so than a standard textbook;
  • the material offers flexibility, one can access the material onscreen as well as to print pertinent information when needed.
  • They a more cost effective for publishers since electronic means no manufacturing costs, no storage costs for unsold inventory, and unlimited virtual inventory.

Although, there are several positive features about eBooks in education, a few students prefer the printed textbooks.Garland and Noyes (2004) stated that on-screen reading transferred less information to long-term memory, possibly because cathode-ray tube monitor characteristics created cognitive interference. This problem I think will reduce as we now move away from Cathode –ray tube monitors. Furthermore, some students prefer when they can mark up or highlight various sections of a printed textbook which is more difficult with eBooks.


Garland, K., & Noyes, J. (2004). CRT monitors: Do they interfere with learning? Behaviour and Information Technology, 23(1), 43-53.

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon, 9(5). Retrieved from

            http://www.marcprensky.com/writing/Prensky%20%20Digital%20Natives,%20Digital%   20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf

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