I am a big fan of tablets, but not of th…

I am a big fan of tablets, but not of the iPad for a couple of reasons – first of all, I am a PC user (always have been) and have not been part of the Apple family and so I find the iPod, iPhone, iPad, Mac family to be very foreign and I am not used to the format – I expect that if one was given to me, I would learn to use it and as i-fans have told me, I would never look back!  But I don’t need to relearn a new system when there are other alternative that I consider every bit as good.

I am a Galaxy owner and I love it – but I am looking forward to the smaller size that is coming next summer – in fact, I nearly bought the Playbook  because of its size

So back to iPads in the classroom – because we are a PC board, we have not been allowing the iPads to be purchased by our schools – however, we are about to become a Bring Your Own Device board – and we expect to see iPads appearing when students bring their own into the schools.  Our Ministry of Ed provides a huge number of videos online for teachers on many pedagogical topics – all Flash – so the iPad isn’t much help for teachers if they want to view these videos.

Perhaps your emerging technology topic is not just about iPads, but about tablets in general?  If that is the case, I wholeheartedly support their use in schools!  But I resist the temptation to suggest that only one product would be best.


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