MET Experience
Assessment is always a topic that catches my attention. Looking back at my MET experience, I must confess that the memories are such that I will cherish them forever. Having gotten so accustomed to the use of tests as assessments, the MET progam proved to me that learning can be even more effective via product based assessment. Through wiki, blogs, videos, concept maps among others, I was and is still able to learn in a fear-free environment which is proving to be authentic and conducive to real learning.
Posted in: Week 10: Product-Based Assessments
verenanz 9:33 pm on November 9, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Everton!
A few people have written about how much anxiety is involved in formal test assessment. I think it’s wonderful that you are able to learn in a “fear-free” environment! I agree that authentic learning offers personal as well as professional growth and learning. Do you think that MET, and the underlying PBA, have helped you develop skills that you can use in your workplace?
bcourey 4:50 am on November 10, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Verena,
I would like to add that the PBA activities in MET have definitely developed useful skills that I now use in my workplace. Because the assignments were so authentic, the skills transfer easily into the real world. I have created videos instead of powerpoints, used Voice Thread for teacher feedback (instead of the dreaded feedback forms!) on projects, use concept maps, blogs and wikis often now for groups of teachers who I have worked with for PD, and overall, have a much greater confidence in using technology in general. Reading about these tools, and writing a test to demonstrate how well I can memorize the instructions for using the tools is a total waste of time and would not help me learn how to use them in real situations. Only PBA can do that!
Everton Walker 7:15 am on November 11, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
As it relates to my workplace, MET has prepared me to do things differently; which include teaching, learning and assessment. In addition, for most of the courses, feedback was also emphasized and the instructors practiced what they’ve preached. Even though I would like to provide adequate feedback in my college, there is a big challenge as the assignments are numerous and the teaching hours long. As a result, there isn’t enough time to mark assignments and provide feedback before exams. Also, I am not able to make certain decisions as the respective governing bodies have to do so. I am a strong advocate for PBA and would like to see it replace the exams, but right now that can only be done on a phase basis as we operate in an exam dominated culture.
verenanz 9:49 am on November 10, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Brenda!
I looked for an “Emerging Venture” online – a “Professional Development” tool that could be sued in the workplace to really offer employers a wider view of “who” the employee really is and “what” they are doing. Other than one University Library Program….I couldn’t find a software or tool that really met the “Employee Assessment” piece…I definitely think that there is a lot of potential is this area for future growth…and ventures….
Many MET students are teachers, or have an educational background….and what I “imagine” is some kind of “product” that offers employees the use of technology to create e-portfolios, and other artifacts (like business plans, projects), but also has some kind of reflective, accountability piece that tracks “what the employee has done….what they they are doing…and what they plan to do…..” Then the employee and employer can be reflective – together….and there is some kind of “evidence” to support the feedback. I believe that someone in our class might have the Assessment background to create the”next big Assessment” tool…based on PBA for the workplace… I know that Mahara offers the “storage” part….but its the reflective piece/the “feedback” that is still missing….
Just an idea…
Keisha Edwards-Hamilton 2:59 pm on November 10, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I agree with you that the MET progam has proven that that learning can be even more effective via product based assessment. Since I have been exposed to PBA in the MET programme, I have used it in some of my class and students actually love this method. Many claim they value PBA over traditional assessment methods since PBA offers authentic task and thus enhance learning.
hall 9:25 pm on November 10, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Everton,
I support your points. After I spent a great portion of my life sitting tests and examinations, I too cherish the assignments of the courses in MET programme. I think I have learnt more from these assignments rather than the tests and examination I had to study for in previous program. In the programs I have completed prior this MET program, the concepts became clear and concrete when I was placed a physical environment based on my areas of studies. PBA is useful approach for one feel that he or she had learnt a concept.
Everton Walker 7:22 am on November 11, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Quite so. I hope to see the back of exams one day or at least less exams. I think we would be able to get more from our students through PBA. I have learned so much from MET without exams. Many of our students are forced to apply rote methods to prepare for exams. If one should quiz them a few hours after the exams then we would be surprised to see that they haven’t retained much.
Everton Walker 7:37 am on November 11, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I must say the same. The number grade from an exam is never a true reflection of my knowledge of the concept. I was very surprised when I realized that I wouldn’t have to do exams for this program as I have been doing exams all my life. It took me a while to adapt to this new kind of learning and assessment but now I fully endorse it. I would like do a research comparing this PBA with the traditional methods.